Salen­to Colom­bia & Coco­ra Val­ley — Top High­lights you can’t miss

Nestled in the heart of Colombia's Coffee Triangle, the charming town of Salento beckons travelers with its vibrant Paisa-style houses and rich coffee culture. Just a short drive away you find the iconic Cocora Valley, home to the world's tallest wax palm trees—a true must-see destination for nature lovers and adventurers alike.

Things to do in Salento

Nest­led bet­ween the lush green hills of the Colom­bi­an cof­fee zone lies the small, enchan­ting town of Salen­to. The town is par­ti­cu­lar­ly well known as the start­ing point for the famous wax palms in the Coco­ra Val­ley, for the region’s cof­fee farms and as a start­ing point for many other acti­vi­ties in the regi­on. Salen­to is loca­ted 25 kilo­me­ters nor­the­ast of Arme­nia and about 36 km sou­the­ast of Pereira. 

Salen­to — Old town

Salen­to is a mana­geable size and is best explo­red on foot. The colorful­ly pain­ted house faca­des and the nar­row cob­bled streets of the old town give the town a par­ti­cu­lar­ly char­ming beau­ty. Cal­le Real , which also leads to the town’s view­point, is par­ti­cu­lar­ly beau­tiful and the ide­al pho­to opportunity. 

Salento Kolumbien Highlight

Pla­za Bolí­varis the heart of Salen­to and is the city’s cen­tral squa­re. From here, the pret­ty alley­ways lead in all direc­tions and the­re are small cafés, restau­rants and stores in every side street. This cen­tral squa­re is also the start­ing point for the so-cal­led “Wil­lys”, the colorful jeeps that dri­ve to the cof­fee farms in the area or to the Coco­ra Valley. 

Salento Kolumbien Reiseblog

El Mira­dor

The El Mira­dor view­point is loca­ted on a hill at the end of Cal­le Real and can be rea­ched on foot in just a few minu­tes. From up here you can see the who­le of Salen­to and the sur­roun­ding coun­try­si­de. If you arri­ve at the top and fol­low the path to the left abo­ve the steps, you will reach the back of the hill, which also offers a won­derful view of the green moun­tain land­scape and towards Coco­ra Valley. 

El Mirador Salento Kolumbien

Excur­si­on to the cof­fee farms

The­re are count­less cof­fee farms around Salen­to that you can visit during your stay. The­se can eit­her be rea­ched by Wil­lys from Pla­za Boli­var or you can com­bi­ne a visit to the cof­fee farms with a short hike. The nea­rest and best-known cof­fee farms are Fin­ca El Oca­so, Las Aca­ci­as Cof­fee Farm and Fin­ca de Don Eli­as. On all farms, the enti­re cof­fee pro­duc­tion pro­cess is usual­ly explai­ned to you and you can tas­te the coffee. 

Fin­ca De Don Elias 

I spon­ta­neous­ly opted for the Fin­ca de Don Eli­as as it was rela­tively small and owner-mana­ged. Once we arri­ved at the cof­fee farm, we were given a gui­ded tour of the plan­ta­ti­on in a small group of 3 peo­p­le, whe­re we lear­ned ever­y­thing we could pos­si­bly ima­gi­ne about cof­fee cul­ti­va­ti­on and cof­fee beans, befo­re con­ti­nuing with the details of how the cof­fee beans are pro­ces­sed right through to the finis­hed drinkable coffee. 

I wal­ked from Salen­to to Fin­ca de Don Eli­as, which took about 1 hour at a very lei­su­re­ly pace. The path was real­ly easy to find and in good con­di­ti­on. I deci­ded to take the Wil­ly back. 

Salento Kaffeefarm Sehenswurdigkeiten
Salento Kaffee Highlights Reiseblog

Coco­ra Valley 

I wal­ked from Salen­to to Fin­ca de Don Eli­as, which took about 1 hour at a very lei­su­re­ly pace. The path was real­ly easy to find and in good con­di­ti­on. I deci­ded to take the Wil­ly back. 

How to get to Coco­ra Valley

Coco­ra Val­ley is loca­ted about 40 minu­tes out­side of Salen­to. The best way to get the­re is by taking one of the colorful Wil­ly Jeeps, which depart regu­lar­ly from Salento’s main squa­re and return the­re as well. The first Jeeps lea­ve at 6:10 AM, and the jour­ney takes appro­xi­m­ate­ly 30 minu­tes, cos­ting 9,000 COP (~€1.75 as of March 2023). 

Hiking Coco­ra Valley

If you want to see the famous wax palm trees, you have two opti­ons. You can eit­her hike from the par­king area to the palms and return the same way, or you can take the appro­xi­m­ate­ly 10-kilo­me­ter loop trail, which includes both the wax palms and a stun­ning hike through the rainforest. 

I cho­se the loop trail and star­ted coun­ter­clock­wi­se, so the wax palms were the first high­light of the hike. This approach has the advan­ta­ge of enjoy­ing the view­points near the wax palms with fewer crowds, as most hikers go clock­wi­se. I high­ly recom­mend start­ing as ear­ly as pos­si­ble, as the loop takes around 7 hours, inclu­ding ple­nty of breaks and pho­to stops. 

Cocora Valley Salento Kolumbien

The Wax Palm Trees of Coco­ra Valley

The first stretch of the hike from the par­king area leads you to the famous wax palm trees. After just 20–30 minu­tes, you’ll reach the first mira­do­res (view­points) and be able to admi­re the­se towe­ring giants, which can grow up to 60 meters tall. It’s tru­ly an awe-inspi­ring sight that feels almost uni­que to this place—a must-see for anyo­ne visi­ting the region. 

Cocora Valley Palmen Kolumbien
Cocora Valley Wanderung Salento Kolumbien Reiseblog

Fin­ca la Montaña

From the wax palm trees, the hike con­ti­nues along a well-main­tai­ned and wide trail lea­ding to Fin­ca La Mon­ta­ña. The path winds through sec­tions of forest until you final­ly reach the fin­ca. From here, you’ll enjoy stun­ning views over the val­ley, making it a per­fect spot for a short break befo­re hea­ding deeper into the rainforest. 

From the Fin­ca, the trail leads stee­p­ly downhill across mea­dows until it enters the Colom­bi­an rainforest. 

Acai­me — House of the Hummingbird

The nar­row trail leads through the forest, crossing small and lar­ger streams along the way. You can take a short detour to visit the Acai­me Hum­ming­bird Farm, and I abso­lut­e­ly recom­mend it! It’s an ama­zing oppor­tu­ni­ty to see the­se beau­tiful birds up clo­se. (Ent­rance fee: 15,000 COP ~ €2.90)

The path back to the par­king lot con­ti­nues through the rain­fo­rest, past smal­ler water­falls until the path final­ly leads flat through the valley. 

Kolibri Salento Cocora Valley

Hel­pful tips for hiking Coco­ra Valley 

  • Stur­dy Shoes:
    The hiking trails can be slip­pery and wet.
  • Out­door clot­hing (Laye­ring)
    It is often fog­gy and damp in the mor­ning and then warm and humid in bet­ween. It is the­r­e­fo­re advi­sa­ble to be equip­ped for all situations. 
  • Suf­fi­ci­ent water and snacks
    The­re are no oppor­tu­ni­ties to buy water or food on the way. You should the­r­e­fo­re bring enough food for the who­le day from Salento. 
  • Cash
    The­re are two check points on the cir­cu­lar hiking trail whe­re you have to pay a fee. When I was the­re in March 2023, this was rela­tively at the begin­ning and end of the trail, and you also have to pay for the jeep. Here is a brief over­view
    16,000 COP for the hiking trails
    9,000 COP for the round trip with Willy’s
    15,000 COP for the hum­ming­bird farm (optio­nal)
Cocora Valley Wanderung Salento
Cocora Valley Wanderung Salento Highlight

The best restau­rants & cafés in Salento

The­re is a rela­tively lar­ge sel­ec­tion of restau­rants in Salen­to around Pla­za Bolí­var and the sur­roun­ding alley­ways. The sel­ec­tion is rela­tively lar­ge and varied. 

La Gata Carola 

Gata Caro­la is loca­ted in a small side street and offers deli­cious Colom­bi­an food. The Menu del Día in par­ti­cu­lar is good value, very tasty and the por­ti­ons are quite lar­ge. An abso­lu­te recom­men­da­ti­on from me! 

Con­cre­to Café

The café in the lively Cal­le Real is per­fect for a litt­le break in bet­ween. The cof­fee and cakes are deli­cious and the ambi­ence is also great. 

La Gata Carola
Con­re­to Café

El Cachar­ri­to

El Cachar­ri­to ser­ves bur­gers in all varia­ti­ons. Vege­ta­ri­an opti­ons such as fal­a­fel are also ser­ved. The bur­gers are deli­cious and the pri­ce is abso­lut­e­ly fair. 

Brunch de Salento

Brunch de Salen­to is the per­fect break­fast loca­ti­on. The­re is fine cof­fee and deli­cious break­fast menus and opti­ons. But piz­za, bur­gers and des­serts are also on offer. 

Best places to stay in Salen­to, Colombia

The choice of accom­mo­da­ti­on in Salen­to is quite lar­ge and offers some­thing for almost every tas­te, from cheap hos­tels to expen­si­ve luxu­ry hotels. So ever­yo­ne can deci­de for them­sel­ves how big their bud­get is and whe­ther they pre­fer to stay in the cen­ter of Salen­to or pre­fer the peace and quiet of the coun­try­si­de a litt­le outside. 

Not­hing lis­ted or not available? Then sim­ply look direct­ly for sui­ta­ble accom­mo­da­ti­on in Salen­to at*.

How to get to Salento

Tra­ve­lers come to Salen­to from the most diver­se places and from the most diver­se direc­tions. Most come from Medel­lín, Bogo­tá, Cali or Nei­va or tra­vel on to the­se places. But no mat­ter whe­re you come from, here are some ways to get to Salento: 

By pla­ne

Salen­to its­elf does not have its own air­port. The two clo­sest air­ports are in Perei­ra and Arme­nia. Both are around an hour’s dri­ve from Salen­to and are ser­ved by flights from Bogo­tá, Medel­lín and many other places. 

I flew from Bogo­tá to Perei­ra mys­elf. At Perei­ra air­port, I took an Uber that took me to the bus sta­ti­on in Perei­ra to catch the bus to Salento. 

By bus

The­re are very regu­lar bus con­nec­tions from Perei­ra and Arme­nia to Salen­to. Howe­ver, the­re was also a direct bus from Salen­to to Medel­lín twice a day from the pro­vi­der ‘Flo­ta Occi­den­tal’, which is why I assu­me that the­re is also a bus from Medel­lín to Salen­to. The jour­ney takes around 8–10 hours. My tip: buy your ticket the day before! 

Bus Salen­to — Medel­lín: 73.000 COP (~14,- €)

Bus Perei­ra — Salen­to: 10.500 COP (~2,- €)

salento transport kolumbien reiseblog

Get­ting around in Salento

Salen­to its­elf is not par­ti­cu­lar­ly lar­ge and can the­r­e­fo­re be easi­ly explo­red on foot. To get to the cof­fee farms or the Coco­ra Val­ley, it is a good idea to use one of the so-cal­led “Wil­lys”, i.e. the jeeps from Pla­za Bolívar. 

Cos­ts of tra­ve­ling Salento

Salen­to is quite tou­ris­ty and, due to the size of the town, the ran­ge of acti­vi­ties on offer is some­what limi­t­ed, which is why it is a litt­le more expen­si­ve than in the big cities in Colom­bia. Howe­ver, most of the bud­get tends to be spent on acti­vi­ties around Salen­to. Basi­cal­ly, you can expect a dai­ly bud­get of around €30 — €80 depen­ding on the accom­mo­da­ti­on cate­go­ry you choo­se and the acti­vi­ties planned. 

Best time to visit Salento

Salen­to is sur­roun­ded by tro­pi­cal rain­fo­rest and the local cli­ma­te is accor­din­gly. The best time to visit is the­r­e­fo­re the dry sea­son from Decem­ber to March and from June to Sep­tem­ber. Howe­ver, this is no gua­ran­tee that it won’t rain. After all, Salen­to is loca­ted in the moun­ta­ins and the wea­ther can chan­ge quick­ly and is often a mix of sun and clouds. Even in the dry sea­son, the days often start dry and fog or rain show­ers appear in the late afternoon. 

Salento Reiseblog Reisetipps

My con­clu­si­on about Salento:

Salen­to was an abso­lu­te high­light for me on my round trip to Colom­bia. The lush green moun­ta­ins, the unre­al palm trees towe­ring in the sky and the rain­fo­rest next to them were an abso­lut­e­ly fasci­na­ting mix for me and a wel­co­me con­trast to the big cities and the Carib­be­an bea­ches. I felt at home in Salen­to from the very first second, cer­tain­ly also becau­se Salen­to is very mana­geable, you quick­ly get to know all the cor­ners and the place is very safe. 

I can the­r­e­fo­re only recom­mend Salen­to for any tour of Colombia! 

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