About me

Hap­py, to have you here. 

Hi, I’m Nad­ja, Digi­tal Nomad and Tra­vel­ler by heart and always “on the go”. I can’t real­ly stay in the same places, in rou­ti­nes or in the dai­ly grind for very long, so the next ticket is alre­a­dy boo­ked for sure. But whe­re does this irre­pres­si­ble wan­der­lust come from? 

How it started…

I was 14 years old when I went on a stu­dent exch­an­ge to Bela­rus. I remem­ber the cul­tu­re shock very well, but also the fasci­na­ti­on of a for­eign cul­tu­re, way of life and incre­di­ble hospitality. 

Long sto­ry short

From this expe­ri­ence on, not­hing was hol­ding me back, no mat­ter how tight the bud­get was. I quick­ly used every oppor­tu­ni­ty to tra­vel, main­ly far away! This was fol­lo­wed by many low-bud­get trips, a semes­ter abroad in South Afri­ca and after a few months in a full-time job, I was laid off and spent seve­ral months in Asia. And this is exact­ly whe­re the idea for this tra­vel blog was born. 

Three Cities Vittoriosa Valletta Malta Reiseblog
Etosha Nationalpark Namia Erfahrungen

Sin­ce 2020, I have been sha­ring my tra­vel expe­ri­en­ces and tra­vel tips on this blog. A heart pro­ject that I have been working on every free minu­te sin­ce then. I want to inspi­re, encou­ra­ge and sup­port you with your indi­vi­du­al tra­vel plan­ning. Becau­se even in just 3 weeks of vaca­ti­on you can expe­ri­ence incre­di­ble things. It does­n’t always have to be a big trip around the world. 

And today?

I work full-time mys­elf, most of the time from abroad and am now what I always wan­ted to be: a “digi­tal nomad”. I use my vaca­ti­on days for more inten­si­ve local explo­ra­ti­ons or lon­ger trips. My stan­dards have also chan­ged a bit in the mean­ti­me; I no lon­ger only stay in hos­tels, but also in bou­tique hotels if the pri­ce-value ratio is right. Nevert­hel­ess, I have remain­ed true to one thing: my back­pack.

I haven’t been ever­y­whe­re, but it’s on my list! 

Count­ries I tra­ve­led to

Count­ries visited