
Capi­tal city 





Moroc­can Dirham 

Best Time to Visit 

Spring & Autumn 

Merzouga Desert Sahara Marokko5

Fre­quent­ly asked ques­ti­ons Morocco

The best way to get a SIM card in Moroc­co is direct­ly at the air­port upon arri­val. The­re are two major pro­vi­ders: Oran­ge and Tele­com, both offe­ring simi­lar net­work covera­ge. For a 4‑week plan with 15–20 GB of data, you can expect to pay around €10. This is a con­ve­ni­ent and afforda­ble opti­on to stay con­nec­ted during your Moroc­co travel. 

ocals in Moroc­co drink tap water, but it’s not recom­men­ded for tra­ve­lers. To avo­id poten­ti­al sto­mach issues, it’s bet­ter to stick to bot­t­led water or use a water fil­ter. Bot­t­led water is afforda­ble and easy to find throug­hout the coun­try, whe­ther you’­re explo­ring cities or remo­te are­as during your road trip in Moroc­co. Stay­ing hydra­ted is key while enjoy­ing your Moroc­co tra­vel itinerary. 

Moroc­co uses stan­dard two-round-pin plugs, known as Type C and Type E. Type C is the same as the out­lets used in Ger­ma­ny, so tra­ve­lers from Euro­pe typi­cal­ly won’t need an adap­ter. Howe­ver, if your devices use other plug types, con­sider brin­ging a uni­ver­sal adap­ter to stay powered up during your Moroc­co travel. 

The Al Barid Bank allows you to with­draw cash wit­hout addi­tio­nal fees. Howe­ver, this only appli­es if your own bank doesn’t char­ge with­dra­wal fees. Be sure to check with your bank befo­re tra­ve­ling to Moroc­co to avo­id unex­pec­ted char­ges during your trip in Morocco. 

Unfo­re­seen cir­cum­s­tances can always occur on a trip, such as ill­ness or medi­cal emer­gen­ci­es. With tra­vel insu­rance, you are pro­tec­ted and can relax and enjoy your vacation. 

While tra­ve­ling around beau­tiful Moroc­co, unfo­re­seen cir­cum­s­tances may ari­se, like lost belon­gings and medi­cal emer­gen­ci­es. Having tra­vel insu­rance will keep you pro­tec­ted on the go and ensu­re peace of mind. 

While tra­ve­ling around beau­tiful Moroc­co, unfo­re­seen cir­cum­s­tances may ari­se, like lost belon­gings and medi­cal emer­gen­ci­es. Having tra­vel insu­rance will keep you pro­tec­ted on the go and ensu­re peace of mind. 

Find the best tra­vel insu­rance*

Tra­vel Blog Morocco

Moroc­co is a cap­ti­vat­ing tra­vel desti­na­ti­on whe­re ori­en­tal tra­di­ti­ons meet modern influen­ces. From vibrant souks and magni­fi­cent palaces to the untouch­ed dunes of the Saha­ra, the coun­try offers breath­ta­king diver­si­ty. The roy­al cities, Atlas Moun­ta­ins, and coas­tal towns make Moroc­co a para­di­se for both out­door enthu­si­asts and cul­tu­re lovers. On this Moroc­co tra­vel blog, you’ll find prac­ti­cal tips, the per­fect itin­era­ry, and hid­den gems off the bea­ten path to make your Moroc­co tra­vel unforgettable. 

Ait Ben Haddou Morocco Travel Guide Itinerary3

Car Ren­tal in Morocco

The easie­st way to find a sui­ta­ble ren­tal car for your trip to Moroc­co is through com­pa­ri­son web­sites like Dis­co­ver­Cars* or Sun­ny­Cars*. The­se plat­forms allow you to compa­re pri­ces and ser­vices to find the best value for your road trip in Morocco. 

No, in Moroc­co, like in most Euro­pean count­ries, traf­fic dri­ves on the right-hand side of the road. So, if you’re used to dri­ving in Euro­pe, navi­ga­ting during your Moroc­co road trip will feel familiar. 

Be sure to fol­low speed limits when dri­ving in Moroc­co! Insi­de towns, the speed limit ran­ges from 40–60 km/h, depen­ding on the signs. On coun­try roads, the limit is 100 km/h, and on high­ways, it’s 120 km/h. Stay­ing within the­se limits is important for both safe­ty and to avo­id fines during your road trip in Morocco. 

Yes, the­re are quite a few poli­ce check­points in Moroc­co, typi­cal­ly loca­ted befo­re or after town ent­ran­ces or on major con­nec­ting roads. Speed is usual­ly moni­to­red with radar guns. As long as you stick to the speed limits, you gene­ral­ly have not­hing to worry about. The key is to stay calm, be poli­te, and always ask for a receipt if stopped. 

Alle Blog­ar­ti­kel über Marokko

Mar­ra­kesh is a city that cap­ti­va­tes all your sen­ses. Wan­der through a maze of vibrant souks, soak in the scents… 
Fez is one of Morocco’s impe­ri­al cities and a popu­lar tra­vel desti­na­ti­on. At its heart lies the Medi­na of Fez,… 
Embark on the ulti­ma­te Moroc­co itin­era­ry and explo­re ever­y­thing this incre­di­ble coun­try has to offer: from the lively streets of… 

Tur­key: Hel­pful Information

  • The secu­ri­ty situa­ti­on in Moroc­co is curr­ent­ly quite stable. 
  • Howe­ver, the­re is a hig­her risk of theft and pick­po­cke­ting near popu­lar tou­rist attrac­tions. It’s important to stay vigi­lant, espe­ci­al­ly in crow­ded areas. 

Here a few basic tips:

  • Lea­ve non-essen­ti­al valu­ables in the accommodation.
  • Take only the cash you need

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found on your Embassy’s Web­site.

Pri­ce Level
  • The cost of living in Moroc­co is gene­ral­ly lower than in Europe. 
  • Local restau­rants offer very afforda­ble meals, often cos­ting less than €5.
  • A mid-ran­ge bud­get is 50 — 90 € per day. 
Good to know
  • Be sure to fol­low the speed limits, as the poli­ce moni­tor almost every town entrance.
  • SIM cards are very afforda­ble and available at the air­ports for around €10 for 4 weeks. 
  • Tip­ping is com­mon in Moroc­co, and it’s app­re­cia­ted in restau­rants, cafés, taxis, and by tour guides.