
Capi­tal city 





Tur­ki­sh Lira 

Best Time to Visit 

May to October 

Taksim Platz Turkei

Fre­quent­ly asked ques­ti­ons about Turkey

In the lar­ger cities, you can defi­ni­te­ly drink the tap water. In very remo­te, rural are­as, it is advi­sa­ble to fil­ter the water. 

The same power plugs are used in Tur­key as in Ger­ma­ny and most of Euro­pe, so an adap­ter is not necessary. 

No fees are char­ged at Ziraat Bank, Halk Bank, Ptt and Kuveyt Turk (as of 07/23).

Unfo­re­seen cir­cum­s­tances can always occur on a trip, such as ill­ness or medi­cal emer­gen­ci­es. With tra­vel insu­rance, you are pro­tec­ted and can relax and enjoy your vacation. 

Find the best tra­vel insu­rance*

Tra­vel­b­log Tur­key: Gui­de and prac­ti­cal tips

Tur­key is a diver­se coun­try that con­stant­ly sur­pri­ses its visi­tors. Loca­ted bet­ween Asia and Euro­pe, the coun­try offers a varie­ty of cul­tu­ral and natu­ral beau­ties. With its san­dy bea­ches along the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an, impres­si­ve ruins of anci­ent civi­liza­ti­ons, and the vibrant metro­po­lis of Istan­bul, Tur­key is a desti­na­ti­on that offers some­thing for every taste. 

Ortakoey Moschee Istanbul

Car Ren­tal in Turkey

The easie­st way to find a sui­ta­ble ren­tal car is on com­pa­ri­son sites such as Dis­co­ver­Cars* or Sun­ny­Cars*. This is the easie­st way to compa­re pri­ce and service. 

Road traf­fic in Tur­key is wild and rules are often dis­re­gard­ed. The­r­e­fo­re, be par­ti­cu­lar­ly atten­ti­ve and always expect ever­y­thing. The fol­lo­wing speed limits app­ly: 50km/h in local are­as, 90km/h on coun­try roads, 100km/h on highways. 

Tur­key: Hel­pful Information

  • Tur­key is a rela­tively safe coun­try to tra­vel to, espe­ci­al­ly the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an coast. 
  • Pick­po­cke­ting, scams and simi­lar are pos­si­ble in the lar­ger cities. 
  • Depen­ding on the poli­ti­cal situa­ti­on in Tur­key and the Midd­le East, the­re may be an increased risk of terrorism.
  • The bor­der regi­on to Syria should also be avoided.
Pri­ce Level
  • Com­pared to Euro­pe Tur­key is a quite cheap tra­vel country. 
  • Due to high infla­ti­on in Tur­key, the purcha­sing power of the euro has risen ste­adi­ly in recent years. 
Good to know
  • Tur­key is not part of the EU and the Schen­gen area, a pass­port is requi­red to enter the coun­try, check also if you need a Visa. 
  • Hagg­ling over pri­ces at the bazaars is part of good man­ners, but not in restaurants. 
  • In win­ter, Tur­key is also a good desti­na­ti­on for win­ter sports enthu­si­asts, as the­re are seve­ral ski resorts. 

All blog posts about Turkey

Tur­key is an incre­di­bly lar­ge and diver­se tra­vel desti­na­ti­on. From the pul­sa­ting, modern metro­po­lis to thou­sands of years of history… 
Are you rea­dy to dive into the spar­k­ling waters of the Tur­ki­sh Rivie­ra and dis­co­ver the hid­den tre­asu­res of Kas?… 
Dis­co­ver Ala­ca­ti, a pic­tures­que jewel on the Tur­ki­sh Aege­an coast. Immer­se yours­elf in the laby­rinth of nar­row streets, pret­ty boutiques… 
In Istan­bul, tra­di­ti­on and moder­ni­ty mer­ge in a fasci­na­ting way. From anci­ent land­marks to tren­dy cafés and shop­ping streets, this…