
The crad­le of huma­ni­ty impres­ses with its uni­que wild­life and bio­di­ver­si­ty. Thun­de­ring water­falls, vibrant cities, the Afri­can bush and mil­len­nia-old tra­di­ti­ons come tog­e­ther here, along with a cui­sine that is as diver­se as the con­ti­nent itself. 

Whe­re in Afri­ca do you want to tra­vel to?

All blog posts about Africa

Mar­ra­kesh is a city that cap­ti­va­tes all your sen­ses. Wan­der through a maze of vibrant souks, soak in the scents… 
Fez is one of Morocco’s impe­ri­al cities and a popu­lar tra­vel desti­na­ti­on. At its heart lies the Medi­na of Fez,… 
Embark on the ulti­ma­te Moroc­co itin­era­ry and explo­re ever­y­thing this incre­di­ble coun­try has to offer: from the lively streets of…