Kaş — hid­den para­di­se on the Tur­ki­sh Riviera

Are you ready to dive into the sparkling waters of the Turkish Riviera and discover the hidden treasures of Kas? From ancient ruins to spectacular diving spots and delicious Turkish food, Kas has everything a backpacker's heart desires. In this guide, I'll give you my best tips for your next adventure in one of the most beautiful places in Turkey!

Wel­co­me to Kas, a small but fasci­na­ting coas­tal town on the Tur­ki­sh Rivie­ra, per­fect for inde­pen­dent tra­ve­lers and back­pa­ckers with its laid-back vibe and a wealth of off-the-bea­ten-track adven­tures. The mix of tur­quoi­se sea, anci­ent ruins and a lively yet rela­xed atmo­sphe­re is sim­ply uni­que. In this artic­le, I’ll show you why Kas in Tur­key is a real insi­der tip and should be on your bucket list. 

High­lights in Kaş

The old town of Kas

The old town of Kas is sim­ply gor­ge­ous! The nar­row alley­ways are lined with white hou­ses with colorful shut­ters and bright­ly colo­red bou­gain­vil­lea han­ging from the bal­co­nies ever­y­whe­re. Here you can spend hours strol­ling through the alley­ways, dis­co­ve­ring small cafés and buy­ing hand­ma­de sou­ve­nirs in one of the many stores. The small har­bor bor­ders direct­ly on the old town, from whe­re you can go on fan­ta­stic boat trips. An abso­lu­te must is a day trip to the sun­ken city of Keko­va. But more on that later. 

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Kas Altstadt Turkei Reiseblog

Detour to Kapu­tas Beach 

Kas is not a typi­cal beach desti­na­ti­on like Anta­lya, but the bea­ches near­by are sim­ply unbeata­ble! My abso­lu­te favo­ri­te was Kapu­taş beach, which is loca­ted just out­side of Kas. Ima­gi­ne: a small bay, enc­lo­sed by high cliffs, with white sand and water that shim­mers in the most incre­di­ble shades of blue. The des­cent may be a litt­le stre­nuous, but as soon as you dip your feet in the water, you’ll know it was worth the effort. It’s best to hire a scoo­ter to get to Kapu­tas Beach, as par­king is scarce. 

Prac­ti­cal tip: Make sure you bring snacks, water and sun­screen! The­re is no restau­rant and places in the sha­de are rare. It’s also worth arri­ving ear­ly befo­re it gets too hot and crowded. 

Kaputas Beach Kas Kalkan Tuerkei

Sun­set in the amphitheater 

A his­to­ri­cal high­light in Kas is the anci­ent amphi­theat­re, just a few minu­tes out­side the town cen­ter. It dates back to Roman times and not only offers a fasci­na­ting insight into histo­ry, but also a spec­ta­cu­lar view of the bay and the sea. Espe­ci­al­ly at sun­set, ever­y­thing is bathed in an abso­lut­e­ly magi­cal light. 

Boat tour to Keko­va Island

The boat tour to the sun­ken city of Keko­va is an abso­lu­te must. The island lies off the coast and offers a fasci­na­ting view of the remains of an anci­ent city that is par­ti­al­ly sub­mer­ged. During the trip, you can snor­kel in the crys­tal-clear water and admi­re the ruins beneath the surface. 

Prac­ti­cal tip: Book the boat tour ear­ly and be pre­pared that it can get crow­ded during the high sea­son. Take your snor­ke­ling equip­ment with you and make sure you have a water­pro­of came­ra with you to cap­tu­re the magi­cal moments. 

Kekova Island Kas Turkei Reisetipp

Hike up the ‘Slee­ping Giant’

If you still have time in Kas and fan­cy an adven­ture and an acti­ve evening pro­gram, a hike up the ‘Slee­ping Giant’ is an abso­lu­te high­light. The rou­te is part of the Lyci­an Way and leads through pine forests to the sum­mit. From the­re you have a breath­ta­king view of the sur­roun­ding area. The name ‘Slee­ping Giant’ comes from the shape of the moun­tain, which looks like a giant lying down. 

The hike takes around 45 — 60 minu­tes and is not par­ti­cu­lar­ly dif­fi­cult. The trail starts direct­ly on the main road. 

Sleeping Giant Kas Tuerkei Reiseblog

Excur­si­on to Kalkan

A high­ly recom­men­ded day trip is a detour to the small coas­tal town of Kalkan, which is only around 30 km from Kas. Kalkan is known for its beau­tiful bea­ches and char­ming old town with its nar­row streets and tra­di­tio­nal hou­ses. Here you can stroll around, brow­se in small bou­ti­ques and enjoy deli­cious local dis­hes in one of the many restaurants. 

The place was an abso­lu­te high­light for me and I would have loved to stay here for 1–2 nights. 

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Kalkan Kas Tuerkei RundreiseDSC02508
Kalkan Kas Tuerkei RundreiseDSC02494

Beach: Bel­e­di­ye­si Halk Pla­jı & Halk Plajı

Kas and the sur­roun­ding area have some gre­at bea­ches that should not be missed. Bel­e­di­ye­si Halk Pla­ji, also known as the town beach of Kas, is just a stroll away from the cen­ter. It is per­fect for a rela­xing day by the sea with crys­tal clear water. As the­re are few shady spots, it’s best to pack a para­sol. Both bea­ches are in clo­se pro­xi­mi­ty to each other and are per­fect for rela­xing and enjoy­ing the sun after an acti­ve day. 

Restau­rant tips for Kas

Obu­rus Modus — vege­ta­ri­an cui­sine with a view

A real gem just out­side Kas is this vege­ta­ri­an restau­rant that uses fresh, local ingre­di­ents. Try the “Pat­lı­can Keba­bı” (egg­plant kebab) and enjoy the breath­ta­king view of the sea. Per­fect for a rela­xing evening after a day of adventure. 

Kas­ik Man­ti Ev Yemekleri

If you are loo­king for tra­di­tio­nal Tur­ki­sh home coo­king, “Kas­ik Man­ti Ev Yeme­kle­ri” is the per­fect place. It’s all about “Man­tı” — the famous Tur­ki­sh ravio­li — as well as a ran­ge of other home­ma­de dis­hes pre­pared accor­ding to authen­tic recipes. 

Pise­kar — vegan food

Pro­ba­b­ly the only vegan restau­rant in Kas, it is loca­ted on the edge of the town cen­ter and is the­r­e­fo­re easi­ly acces­si­ble on foot. 

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Accom­mo­da­ti­on recommendations

Kas has a wide ran­ge of accom­mo­da­ti­on, from cozy guest­hou­ses to luxu­rious hotels right on the beach. The­re is the­r­e­fo­re sui­ta­ble accom­mo­da­ti­on for ever­yo­ne and every budget. 

Arri­val & on the road on site

The best way to get to Kas is by bus from Anta­lya or Fethi­ye. The bus con­nec­tions are cheap and relia­ble. If you are coming from the Greek island of Meis (Kas­tell­ori­zo), the­re are also fer­ry con­nec­tions direct­ly to Kas. An alter­na­ti­ve opti­on is to tra­vel by ren­tal car, which gives you the fle­xi­bi­li­ty to explo­re the sur­roun­ding region.

You can easi­ly get around the city on foot, as Kas is a com­pact city. Dol­muş buses are available for lon­ger distances or excur­si­ons in the sur­roun­ding area — a cheap and popu­lar trans­por­ta­ti­on opti­on in Tur­key. To be fle­xi­ble, I would recom­mend hiring a scoo­ter or ren­tal car locally.

My con­clu­si­on about Kas

Kas is a small but incre­di­bly diver­se desti­na­ti­on that has a lot to offer for tho­se see­king peace and quiet as well as adven­ture see­kers. From the char­ming old town to the impres­si­ve ruins and beau­tiful bea­ches — Kas and the sur­roun­ding area real­ly do have a lot to offer. And the gre­at thing is that Kas is nowhe­re near as crow­ded as other desti­na­ti­ons on the Tur­ki­sh Rivie­ra and still has an incre­di­ble amount of charm. 

Have you alre­a­dy been to Kas? Share your expe­ri­en­ces in the comm­ents and let me know which high­lights you would par­ti­cu­lar­ly recommend!

Kas Tuerkei Reiseblog Tipps
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