Tur­key Itin­era­ry: 2‑weeks along the coast

Turkey is an incredibly large and diverse travel destination. From the pulsating, modern metropolis to thousands of years of history and vibrant culture. Let yourself be enchanted by the diversity of Turkey, the warm hospitality and the delicious Turkish cuisine.

Are you plan­ning a round trip through Tur­key and loo­king for a rou­te off the bea­ten track? In this artic­le, I will take you on a two-week trip from the vibrant metro­po­lis of Istan­bul, along the Tur­ki­sh Rivie­ra to beau­tiful bays and his­to­ri­cal sites. Whe­ther you are tra­ve­ling by bus or ren­tal car — this rou­te offers you a per­fect mix of cul­tu­re, natu­re and adven­ture. Dis­co­ver the authen­tic flair of small vil­la­ges, immer­se yours­elf in the histo­ry of anci­ent sites and be enchan­ted by the breath­ta­king landscape. 

2‑week Itin­era­ry

Day 1–3: Dis­co­ver Istanbul 

Istan­bul is the first stop on the trip and offers an impres­si­ve mix of histo­ry and moder­ni­ty. Don’t miss the famous sights such as the Hagia Sophia or the impres­si­ve sun­ken palace. Stroll through the Grand Bazaar, let yours­elf be car­ri­ed away by the hust­le and bust­le and the scent of exo­tic spi­ces, and enjoy the sun­set on a boat trip on the Bos­pho­rus in the evening.

Recom­men­ded length of stay: at least 2 nights 

I then took the night bus from Istan­bul to the south, to Alacati. 

Istanbul Tuerkei Sehenswertes Highlights
Nächtliche Bosporus-Schifffahrt in Istanbul mit erleuchteten Sehenswürdigkeiten und Passagieren auf dem Boot.

Day 4–6: Alacati

I arri­ved in Ala­ca­ti ear­ly in the mor­ning on the night bus from Istan­bul. On the way to my accom­mo­da­ti­on, I got a first impres­si­on of this small town and was alre­a­dy blown away. 

The cob­bled streets, wind­mills, small bou­ti­ques and many small cafés and restau­rants in bet­ween give the town a uni­que flair. You feel more like you’­ve lan­ded in Greece than in Tur­key. If you are tra­ve­ling by ren­tal car, you can make a detour to Urla on the way the­re or on your onward jour­ney. The wine­ries in the area in par­ti­cu­lar are a real insi­der tip! 

Recom­men­ded length of stay: at least 2 days 

My length of stay: 3 days, 2 nights

All infor­ma­ti­on in detail: Ala­ca­ti tips and highlights

Alacati Tuerkei Tipps
Alacati Ausgehen Blog

Day 7: Tra­vel day Ala­ca­ti to Ephesus

From Ala­ca­ti, the jour­ney con­ti­nues, in my case by bus, via Izmir to Ephe­sus and the near­by town of Sel­cuk. Here I spend the late after­noon wal­king through the town and up to the near­by castle/citadel of Sel­cuk, from whe­re I enjoy the sun­set. I end the evening in the Amzon restau­rant (you can find it here) with deli­cious local food. 

If you have more time or are stay­ing lon­ger in the regi­on, I recom­mend a detour to the wine town of Sirince. 

Tip: Ama­zon Restaurant

Accom­mo­da­ti­on around Ephesus

Day 8: Ephesus 

The mor­ning starts ear­ly, becau­se if you want to enjoy the anci­ent ruins in peace, you should be the­re on time for ope­ning. About 1–2 hours later, the peace and quiet is over and the crowds of tou­rists almost swamp the site. 
A visit to Ephe­sus is like a jour­ney back to anci­ent times. The ruins of the once migh­ty city are among the best-pre­ser­ved archaeo­lo­gi­cal sites and are an abso­lu­te must-see. The best place to start is at the gre­at thea­ter, which once had space for 25,000 visi­tors. Walk along the impres­si­ve marb­le street to the ico­nic Cel­sus Libra­ry, one of the most impres­si­ve buil­dings in Ephesus. 

In the ear­ly after­noon, I con­tin­ued direct­ly to Deniz­li, the start­ing point for explo­ring Pamukkale. 

Recom­men­ded length of stay: 1 day

Ephesus Turkei Reiseblog
Ephesus Turkei Rundreise BlogDSC02364
Ephesus Turkei Rundreise BlogDSC02382 2

Day 9: Pamukkale

Ano­ther day that starts ear­ly, becau­se in the mor­ning we head straight from Deniz­li to Pamuk­ka­le. My aim was to get the­re as ear­ly as pos­si­ble befo­re the mas­ses of tou­rists arrive. 

The snow-white lime­s­tone ter­races, fil­led with tur­quoi­se, mine­ral-rich water, look like a sur­re­al land­scape from ano­ther pla­net. Howe­ver, as with many other impres­si­ve natu­ral fea­tures, the mas­ses of tou­rists have alre­a­dy left their mark here and only a tiny frac­tion is still fil­led with water. So don’t let Insta­gram lead you astray here. 


But the­re was also a posi­ti­ve sur­pri­se on site, as the ruins of Hie­r­a­po­los, an anci­ent city that should not be missed, are loca­ted on the site.


After spen­ding almost the who­le day here, I get on the mini­bus back to Deniz­li in the after­noon and dri­ve straight on to Fethi­ye from there. 

Day 10–11: Fethiye

After arri­ving in Fethi­ye the evening befo­re, my first day began with a rela­xing day at the world-famous Ölü­de­niz beach. The blue lagoon with its tur­quoi­se waters is a real high­light and per­fect for a rela­xing day at the beach. Tho­se loo­king for more thrills should put para­gli­ding on their to-do list! The flight from Mount Bab­a­d­ağ offers you one of the most spec­ta­cu­lar views of the Tur­ki­sh coast. 

Ano­ther high­light in Fethi­ye is But­ter­fly Val­ley, which is actual­ly a secluded bay that can only be rea­ched on foot or by boat. Around 15 minu­tes out­side of Ölü­de­niz, the­re is a magni­fi­cent view­point over­loo­king the valley. 

Butterfly Valley Fethiye Turkei
Oluedeniz Fethiye Turkei

I spent my second day in Fethi­ye hiking along the Lyci­an Way, one of the most beau­tiful long-distance hiking trails. The hiking trail around Fethi­ye always runs along the coast and offers magni­fi­cent views. 

Fethi­ye is also home to the so-cal­led Lyci­an Rock Tombs, which were car­ved into the rocks. Tho­se who come up here will not be sur­pri­sed by an over­whel­ming anci­ent site, but will be reward­ed with a gre­at view over Fethiye. 

Restau­rant tip: Lokan­ta Fethiye

Cafe tip: Ardic Sar­kü­te­ri Cafe

Per­so­nal opi­ni­on: Alt­hough Fethi­ye is very hyped on many blogs and in maga­zi­nes, I was­n’t enti­re­ly con­vin­ced by the place. For me, Fethi­ye and Ölü­de­niz were too tou­ris­ty and too domi­na­ted by Bri­tish pen­sio­ners who have obvious­ly reti­red there. 

Accom­mo­da­ti­on in Fethiye

Recom­men­ded length of stay: at least 2 nights 

My length of stay: 2 days, 3 nights

Day 12–14: Kas 

From Fethi­ye, the jour­ney con­ti­nues to the char­ming coas­tal town of Kas. With its rela­xed atmo­sphe­re, nar­row streets and many restau­rants, the har­bor town is a real highlight. 

Don’t miss a trip to near­by Kapu­tas Beach and the small vil­la­ge of Kalkan. 

Kas Tuerkei Reiseblog Tipps

Day 14: Antalya 

On the last day, I con­tin­ued from Kas to Anta­lya. I had half a day here befo­re my flight back and spent it explo­ring Anta­lya a litt­le and giving the place a chance. 

The Hadrian’s Gate, a relic from Roman times, is the best way to reach the old town of Anta­lya, whe­re the­re are count­less restau­rants, sou­ve­nir stores and nar­row alley­ways to dis­co­ver. A short walk along the har­bor and a fresh­ly squeezed oran­ge juice were the per­fect end to my trip to Turkey. 

Recom­men­ded length of stay: as short as possible

Antalya Turkeirundreise Reiseblog3C9BF5C4 C08C 433E B574 1EB2D9D7113E 1 105 c
Antalya Turkeirundreise ReiseblogIMG 9470

Get­ting around 

Ren­tal car

For a trip through Tur­key as descri­bed abo­ve, a ren­tal car is the per­fect choice. On the one hand, the pri­ces are quite reasonable, and on the other, you are incre­di­bly fle­xi­ble and can stop at many more places along the coast. 

Inter­ci­ty buses and minibuses

Tur­key has a well-deve­lo­ped bus net­work and it is easy to get from A to B ever­y­whe­re. Whe­ther in lar­ge coa­ches or mini­bu­ses. Tickets for long-distance coa­ches can be easi­ly boo­ked online or at the rele­vant bus sta­ti­ons. Using the mini­bu­ses is also usual­ly quite straight­for­ward, espe­ci­al­ly if you sim­ply enqui­re local­ly in good time. 

Kamil Koc: belongs to the Ger­man long distance bus ope­ra­tor Flix­bus and is a quite relia­ble ope­ra­tor. Tickets can be boo­ked easi­ly online. 

Obi­let: here you can search for bus con­nec­tions throug­hout Tur­key and find the right provider

Tra­vel Cos­ts Tur­key: an overview

Let’s get to the figu­res and the exci­ting ques­ti­on: How much does such an indi­vi­du­al trip through Tur­key cost? As I ask mys­elf this ques­ti­on befo­re every trip, I won’t make a secret of it and will share all the expen­ses here wit­hout exception. 

Tra­vel style: I tra­ve­led alo­ne and with a back­pack on this trip. In other words, I stay­ed in a hos­tel from time to time, which is of cour­se very cheap. In bet­ween, howe­ver, I also trea­ted mys­elf to an apart­ment or some­thing simi­lar. All in all, I would say that the bud­get I spent was medi­um to cheap, part­ly becau­se I was tra­ve­ling in the low season. 

Rei­se­kos­ten Türkei 
2 Wochen
Kos­ten pro Person
Flü­ge298,66 €
Unter­künf­te398,33 €
Restaurants/ Cafés287,85 €
Akti­vi­tä­ten144,57 €
Trans­port (Bus, Taxi, Minibus)127,86 €
Sum­me1.257,27 €

Best time to visit Turkey

The best time to tra­vel through Tur­key is spring (April to June) or fall (Sep­tem­ber to Octo­ber). During the­se months, the tem­pe­ra­tures are plea­sant­ly warm wit­hout being too hot — ide­al for explo­ring the cul­tu­ral high­lights such as Istan­bul and Ephe­sus as well as the beau­tiful coas­tal regi­ons around Fethi­ye and Kaş. Ano­ther big advan­ta­ge is that the crowds of tou­rists are still mana­geable and pri­ces are cor­re­spon­din­gly lower. 

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