
Capi­tal city 






Best Time to Visit 

Novem­ber to March 

Chiang Mai Wat Rajamontean Reiseblog Thailand

Fre­quent­ly asked ques­ti­ons about Thailand

Even if the tap water in Bang­kok is con­side­red drinkable, it is defi­ni­te­ly not advi­sa­ble for any other place. It is the­r­e­fo­re bet­ter to use fil­te­red water. 

Thai­land uses type A and B power plugs (as in the USA), but also type C, which is the stan­dard in Euro­pe. If you want to be on the safe side, pack an adapter. 

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, all banks in Thai­land char­ge a with­dra­wal fee of 220 Bahnt (approx. 6€). The­r­e­fo­re, my tip: Always with­draw as much as pos­si­ble so that with­dra­wals are kept to a minimum. 

Unfo­re­seen cir­cum­s­tances can always occur on a trip, such as ill­ness or medi­cal emer­gen­ci­es. With tra­vel insu­rance, you are pro­tec­ted and can relax and enjoy your vacation. 

Find the best tra­vel insu­rance*

Tra­vel Blog Thai­land: Places to see and prac­ti­cal tips

Thailand’s ever­las­ting spi­ri­tu­al power and its fame as the “Land of Smi­les” have made it a tim­e­l­ess favo­ri­te among tra­ve­lers and back­pa­ckers world­wi­de. Fri­end­ly peo­p­le, deli­cious food and street food on every cor­ner. Impres­si­ve temp­les, beau­tiful bea­ches and a pris­ti­ne hin­ter­land — Thai­land is fasci­na­ting and has a desti­na­ti­on to suit everyone. 

Hong Island Thailand Tour

Thai­land: Hel­pful Information

  • The country’s secu­ri­ty is not com­pa­ra­ble to that of Euro­pe and some cau­ti­on must be exercised. 
  • Avo­id valu­ables and jewel­ry and only take as much cash with you as necessary.
  • If pos­si­ble, you should avo­id tra­ve­ling alo­ne at night and pre­fer­a­b­ly take a Grab or cab back. 
Pri­ce Level
  • Thai­land is a fair­ly cheap destination
  • With a dai­ly bud­get of around 30 — 40 € you can get quite far.
  • You can stay in a hos­tel for as litt­le as €8 per night
Good to know
  • Citi­zens from many count­ries can enter the coun­try visa-free for up to 30 days
  • The Uber alter­na­ti­ve in Thai­land is cal­led Grab and is available everywhere. 
  • The infra­struc­tu­re is excel­lent and you can easi­ly tra­vel from A to B in the country.
  • Con­sult a tra­vel medi­ci­ne spe­cia­list: parts of Thai­land are mala­ria are­as and tro­pi­cal dise­a­ses are common.

All Blog Posts about Thailand

Dis­co­ver the diver­si­ty of Thai­land on an unfor­gettable 3‑Week Itin­era­ry! This rou­te takes you from the shim­me­ring temp­les of Bangkok…