Min­ca — Colom­bia’s moun­tain paradise

Immerse yourself in the breathtaking nature of Colombia and discover the charming village of Minca, surrounded by dense forests and breathtaking waterfalls.

Min­ca, a small vil­la­ge in the moun­ta­ins of Colom­bia, is a real insi­der tip for natu­re lovers and back­pa­ckers. It is only around 45 minu­tes from the city of San­ta Mar­ta and offers a wel­co­me break from the heat and hust­le and bust­le of the coas­tal city. With its impres­si­ve bio­di­ver­si­ty, stun­ning hiking trails and cozy accom­mo­da­ti­on opti­ons, Min­ca is the per­fect desti­na­ti­on for natu­re lovers and adven­ture seekers. 

High­lights & sights in Minca

Amidst the lush, green moun­ta­ins, Min­ca hides some of Colom­bia’s most impres­si­ve natu­ral beau­ty. Whe­ther you’­re a fan of refres­hing water­falls, exo­tic birds or idyl­lic hiking trails, Min­ca has some­thing for every natu­re lover. 

The Pozo Azul 

A must on any trip to Min­ca is the Pozo Azul, a natu­ral swim­ming pool sur­roun­ded by lush green jungle. A short hike takes you to this idyl­lic spot, which is per­fect for coo­ling off from the tro­pi­cal heat. 

My tip: Go a litt­le fur­ther back, as the­re are usual­ly fewer visi­tors here. You can also jump from the rock into the water there. 

Pozo Azul Minka Kolumbien Reiseblog

Las Cas­ca­das de Marinka

My per­so­nal high­light in and around Min­ka was the Marin­ka water­fall, in Spa­nish: Las Cas­ca­das de Marin­ka. This impres­si­ve water­fall is hid­den in the jungle and requi­res a hike of about an hour! With its dou­ble water­falls flowing into crys­tal-clear pools, the Marin­ka water­fall is the per­fect place to cool off in the tro­pi­cal heat. The­re are also ham­mocks and small huts to relax in, as well as a small café. 

Cascadas de Marinka Minka Kolumbien
Cascadas de Marinka Kolumbien Minka

Cof­fee farms & cocoa farms

Min­ca is also known for its cof­fee and cocoa plan­ta­ti­ons, which you can visit on a gui­ded tour. The tour gives you a uni­que insight into the cof­fee and cocoa pro­duc­tion pro­cess and of cour­se you can also tas­te the local pro­ducts. One of the best-known farms is Fin­ca La Vic­to­ria, which is also quite easy to reach. 


For an unfor­gettable sun­set, you should defi­ni­te­ly visit Casa Loma . The char­ming guest­house is loca­ted on a hill over­loo­king Min­ca and its restau­rant offers a magni­fi­cent view of the sur­roun­ding moun­ta­ins and the val­ley. While enjoy­ing a cool drink, you can watch the sun slow­ly sink into the distance and bathe the sky in spec­ta­cu­lar colors. On a clear day, you can even see the twink­ling lights of the distant coas­tal town of San­ta Mar­ta. A won­derful place to end a day in Minca. 

Casa Loma Minka Reiseblog Kolumbien
Casa Loma Kolumbien Minka
Casa Loma Minka Kolumbien

The best restau­rants and cafés in Minca

Alt­hough Min­ca has a very mana­geable size, the num­ber and sel­ec­tion of restau­rants and cafés is tru­ly incre­di­ble and the­re is some­thing to suit every taste. 


My high­light for break­fast in Min­ca was the Duni Café. They ser­ve excel­lent cof­fee and super tasty break­fast bowls, which have made the café my abso­lu­te favorite. 

Ano­ther recom­men­ded café for break­fast is the “Amo­ra Coci­na Saludable. 

If you are loo­king for deli­cious bread and want to try per­haps the tastie­st pan de cho­co­la­te, you should defi­ni­te­ly make a stop at La Miga Panade­ría bakery. 

Fruehstuck Minka Reiseblog Kolumbien
Restauranttipp Minka Kolumbien

Lunch & Dinner

For lunch or din­ner, I can recom­mend a visit to the “Chi­qui­ta Bra­va Bar y Restau­rante”. The restau­rant offers a varied sel­ec­tion of dis­hes, whe­ther meat or vege­ta­ri­an. The­re is also a good sel­ec­tion of cock­tails. Ano­ther very tasty and high­ly recom­men­ded restau­rant with a good sel­ec­tion of dis­hes is “The Lazy Cat” restaurant. 

Whe­re to stay

The choice of accom­mo­da­ti­on in Min­ca is diver­se and offers some­thing for every tra­ve­ler. From char­ming guest­hou­ses to luxu­rious lodges and eco-fri­end­ly bun­ga­lows. Gre­at accom­mo­da­ti­on for back­pa­ckers and bud­get tra­ve­lers is the char­ming and afforda­ble Masaya Casa Vie­jas*. It is loca­ted near the famous Marin­ka water­fall and offers cozy cab­ins, its own restau­rant, a gre­at pool and a varie­ty of acti­vi­ties. Tho­se loo­king for luxu­ry should con­sider the Sier­ra Alta Fin­ca Bou­tique Hotel*. This luxu­rious lodge offers spa­cious rooms with breath­ta­king views, an in-house restau­rant and a whirl­pool pool from whe­re you can watch the sunset. 

Not­hing lis­ted or not available? Then sim­ply look direct­ly for sui­ta­ble accom­mo­da­ti­on in Min­ca at booking.com*.

Arri­val & trans­por­ta­ti­on on site


Get­ting to Min­ca is rela­tively easy. Mini­bu­ses and cabs run regu­lar­ly from the bus sta­ti­on in San­ta Mar­ta to Min­ca. The jour­ney usual­ly takes around 45 minu­tes and offers won­derful views of the sur­roun­ding coun­try­si­de on the way. 

Get­ting around

In Min­ca its­elf, the main means of trans­por­ta­ti­on is the motor­cy­cle cab, which is per­fect for tack­ling the steep and often unpa­ved roads. 

If you want to explo­re the sur­roun­ding area a litt­le more actively, you can rent bicy­cles on site or, of cour­se, explo­re the area on foot.

Cos­ts Minca

The pri­ce level in Min­ca is quite mode­ra­te com­pared to many other parts of Colom­bia. Accom­mo­da­ti­on as well as food and acti­vi­ties are afforda­ble for all budgets. 

Best Time to Visit

Min­ca can be visi­ted all year round as the cli­ma­te is con­stant­ly warm with tem­pe­ra­tures around 25 degrees Cel­si­us. For hiking and natu­re lovers, the dry sea­son from Decem­ber to March is par­ti­cu­lar­ly recom­men­ded, as the paths are less slip­pery and you can enjoy the breath­ta­king natu­re to the full. 

The months from April to Novem­ber are known as the rai­ny sea­son , but this time also has its charm. The land­scape is par­ti­cu­lar­ly green and the rivers and water­falls car­ry a lot of water. Rain­fall is usual­ly short and inten­se, fol­lo­wed by sunshine. 

My con­clu­si­on about Minca:

For me, Min­ca real­ly was a gre­at oasis of peace and rela­xa­ti­on away from the hust­le and bust­le of the coas­tal towns. For me, the place offe­red the per­fect mix of gre­at natu­re, out­door acti­vi­ties and a very rela­xed atmo­sphe­re. Per­fect for unwin­ding for a few days and just chil­ling out 🙂 

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