South ame­ri­ca

From Mayan strong­holds, through the deepest rain­fo­rests along the Ama­zon, to the Ande­an High­lands and the ends of the earth. Few con­ti­nents are as diver­se. Every coun­try in South Ame­ri­ca offers its own uni­que charms and high­lights wai­ting to be discovered. 

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All posts from Cen­tral and South America

Rea­dy to dis­co­ver a city that enchants with its charm and beau­ty? Immer­se yours­elf in the magi­cal atmo­sphe­re of Cartagena,… 
Colom­bia has beco­me incre­asing­ly popu­lar among tra­ve­lers in recent years. With it’s stun­ning varie­ty varie­ty of land­scapes — from the… 
Expe­ri­ence the true island para­di­se of Colom­bia: Pro­vi­den­cia. From stun­ning bea­ches and crys­tal clear waters to rich cul­tu­re and delicious… 
A real adven­ture awaits in the north of Colom­bia: the Lost City Trek. The 4‑day hike leads through the Colombian… 
Immer­se yours­elf in the vibrant heart of Colom­bia and dis­co­ver the fasci­na­ting city of Medel­lín. In this com­pre­hen­si­ve tra­vel guide,… 
Immer­se yours­elf in the breath­ta­king natu­re of Colom­bia and dis­co­ver the char­ming vil­la­ge of Min­ca, sur­roun­ded by den­se forests and… 
Nest­led in the heart of Colom­bia’s Cof­fee Tri­ang­le, the char­ming town of Salen­to beck­ons tra­ve­lers with its vibrant Paisa-style houses… 
In Tyro­na Natio­nal Park, exo­tic flo­ra and fau­na meet pris­ti­ne bea­ches. Hid­den paths lead through the den­se jungle and the…