Car­ta­ge­na — Colom­bia’s high­light on the Carib­be­an coast

Ready to discover a city that enchants with its charm and beauty? Immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of Cartagena, where history, culture and vibrant life comes together. From the colorful colonial buildings of the old town to the beautiful beaches of the Caribbean Sea, this city has it all. Enjoy the exotic cuisine and let yourself be carried away by the liveliness of the streets.

Wel­co­me to Car­ta­ge­na de Indi­as, a city that enchants with its breath­ta­king beau­ty, rich histo­ry and vibrant cul­tu­re. Loca­ted on the Carib­be­an coast of Colom­bia, Car­ta­ge­na is a true gem that cap­ti­va­tes every visi­tor. In this blog artic­le, you will learn all about the city­’s high­lights, hel­pful tips and recom­men­da­ti­ons. Immer­se yours­elf and be enchan­ted by the beau­ty of this city! 

High­lights in Cartagena 

Due to its colo­ni­al histo­ry, Car­ta­ge­na has many his­to­ri­cal sights to offer and a gre­at old town that is worth see­ing. Here are the most important highlights: 

The Cen­tro His­to­ri­co — the old town

The old town of Car­ta­ge­na is a real gem and a UNESCO World Heri­ta­ge Site. Colorful colo­ni­al hou­ses, nar­row streets, bal­co­nies ador­ned with flowers, pic­tures­que squa­res and the his­to­ric buil­dings enchan­ted me from the very first moment. The fort­ress, Cas­til­lo San Feli­pe de Bara­jas, which once pro­tec­ted the city from pira­te attacks, and the impres­si­ve Cate­dral de San­ta Cata­li­na are also worth a visit. The best thing to do is to drift through the alley­ways wit­hout a plan, watch the street ven­dors and sim­ply let yours­elf be car­ri­ed away by the gre­at vibe of the city. 

If you want to find out more about the histo­ry of the city, you should take a free wal­king tour* should not be missed. I did this at the begin­ning of my stay in Car­ta­ge­na and was abso­lut­e­ly thril­led. It not only gives you a first over­view of the city, but also an insight into the local con­di­ti­ons and lear­ns a lot about the city­’s eventful history. 

Cartagena Highlights Sehenswuerdigkeiten
Free Walking Tour Cartagena Reiseblog Kolumbien
Cartagena Reiseblog Highlights
Cartagena Altstadt Reiseblog Kolumbien

The hip Get­se­maní district

Get­se­maní is the upco­ming and hip dis­trict of Car­ta­ge­na and a place full of life and cul­tu­re. The dis­trict is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by colourful street art, hip cafés and tren­dy bars and restau­rants. The dis­trict real­ly comes to life in the evening. Are­pas are sold on the streets, music is play­ed, cock­tails are ser­ved and the small streets are full of locals and tou­rists. The Pla­za de la Tri­ni­dad, in par­ti­cu­lar, is a popu­lar mee­ting place for locals and travelers. 

Getsemani Cartagena Reiseblog Highlights
Getsemani Cartagena Reiseblog Tipps
Getsemani Cartagena Sehenswuerdigkeiten Reisetipps

Pla­za de la San­tí­si­ma Trinidad

Pla­za Tri­ni­dad is ano­ther char­ming squa­re in Get­se­maní and a cen­ter of social life. Here you can ming­le with the locals, lis­ten to street per­for­mers and enjoy the hust­le and bust­le. Sit down in one of the cafés or restau­rants around the squa­re and watch the hust­le and bust­le. This lively place is the per­fect place to expe­ri­ence the Carib­be­an vibe. 

Plaza Trinidad Kolumbien Cartagena

Par­que Del Centenario

The Par­que del Cen­ten­ario is a won­derful place to escape the hust­le and bust­le of the city and immer­se yours­elf in a green oasis. This beau­tiful park offers rela­xa­ti­on and tran­quil­li­ty. If you’­re lucky, you might even spot one of the sloths that live in the park. From a park bench, you can watch the colorful hust­le and bust­le of the locals, unwind and rech­ar­ge your batteries. 

Parque del Centenario Cartagena Kolumbien

Sun­set on the city wall

You can watch the sun­set in Car­ta­ge­na from the city wall and the loca­ti­on is popu­lar with locals and tou­rists ali­ke. The­re is a bar on the city wall, or you can sim­ply bring your own drink and find a free spot. 

Skyline Cartagena Kolumbien Blog

Excur­si­ons around Cartagena

Car­ta­ge­na also offers fasci­na­ting excur­si­ons into the sur­roun­ding natu­re and to gre­at bea­ches. Here are a few ide­as of what you can easi­ly dis­co­ver from Cartagena. 
  • Islas del Rosa­rio: Just a short boat ride from Car­ta­ge­na are the Islas del Rosa­rio, a group of idyl­lic islands in the clear Carib­be­an Sea. Enjoy a day on the white san­dy beach, snor­kel in the colorful coral reefs or explo­re the breath­ta­king under­wa­ter world on a dive. The­se islands are a para­di­se for natu­re lovers and water sports enthusiasts. 
  • Totu­mo Vol­ca­no: Ven­ture insi­de the Totu­mo Vol­ca­no, a uni­que natu­ral for­ma­ti­on fil­led with warm mud. Here you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to bathe in the mine­ral-rich mud, which is said to have heal­ing pro­per­ties for your skin. Immer­se yours­elf and enjoy this uni­que spa expe­ri­ence while fee­ling weight­less in the mud. 
  • La Ciu­dad Per­di­da (The Lost City): If you’­re loo­king for an adven­tur­ous trek­king expe­ri­ence, then the Ciu­dad Per­di­da is an abso­lu­te high­light. This anci­ent rui­ned city, which is older than Machu Pic­chu, is hid­den in the heart of the Colom­bi­an jungle. Climb steep paths, cross rivers and expe­ri­ence the fasci­na­ting cul­tu­re of the indi­ge­nous Tay­ro­na peo­p­le. It’s a chall­enge, but the breath­ta­king views and his­to­ri­cal heri­ta­ge make it more than worthwhile. 
  • Playa Blan­ca : Just a short boat ride from Car­ta­ge­na, you will find the enchan­ting Playa Blan­ca beach on the Baru pen­in­su­la. The fine white san­dy beach and tur­quoi­se waters are the per­fect place to relax and soak up the sun. Rent a ham­mock, try some fresh fish or go swim­ming and snor­ke­ling in the clear waters. 

The best restau­rants & cafés in Cartagena

The­re is a huge sel­ec­tion of culina­ry delights in Car­ta­ge­na. In addi­ti­on to count­less restau­rants and cafés, a lot of street food such as are­pas, empa­na­das or meat ske­wers straight from the grill are sold on the streets in the evening. Here is a brief overview: 


In the evening, many streets and alley­ways are clo­sed and pla­s­tic chairs are put out and street food is sold. Be sure to try the are­pas or meat ske­wers on offer here. If you’­re cra­ving some­thing sweet, head to the Pla­za de las Coches in the old town. Here, rows and rows of local sweets are sold on the street. 

Bei­yu Café 

If you’­re loo­king for a hip break­fast restau­rant, Bei­yu Café in the Get­se­ma­ni dis­trict is the place to go. Espe­ci­al­ly if you like break­fast bowls. 

Restau­rante Coroncoro

Also in the Get­se­maní dis­trict is the Coron­co­ro restau­rant, which is known for its excel­lent Colom­bi­an cui­sine. Locals and tou­rists ali­ke ming­le here to enjoy the authen­tic food. The dis­hes are rich and fla­vorful, from tra­di­tio­nal sea­food dis­hes to deli­cious meat dishes. 

Gran Inca Cartagena

The Gran Inka Car­ta­ge­na is a char­ming restau­rant in the old town. With a com­bi­na­ti­on of Peru­vi­an and inter­na­tio­nal cui­sine, the restau­rant offers a wide sel­ec­tion of dif­fe­rent dis­hes that are not only attrac­tively ser­ved but also delicious. 

Cafes Restaurants Cartagena
Streetfood Cartagena Kolumbien e1690492908264

Accom­mo­da­ti­on in Cartagena

The­re are count­less accom­mo­da­ti­on opti­ons in Car­ta­ge­na, from cheap back­pa­cker hos­tels to lar­ge luxu­ry hotel chains. The city the­r­e­fo­re offers some­thing for every bud­get and every requi­re­ment. If you are only in Car­ta­ge­na for a few days and want to take in and see as much of the old town as pos­si­ble, I recom­mend boo­king accom­mo­da­ti­on in the old town or in the hip Getsemani. 

San­tua­rio Get­se­maní Hostel

The San­tua­rio Get­se­maní Hos­tel is loca­ted, as the name sug­gests, in the Get­se­maní dis­trict. The hos­tel offers a wide varie­ty of dorms for men, women or mixed. The beds are all “cap­su­le” style, so the­re is ple­nty of pri­va­cy thanks to the curta­ins. The hos­tel also has a gre­at inner cour­ty­ard for rela­xing, having a drink or working. 

Book your accom­mo­da­ti­on here: San­tua­rio Get­se­ma­ni Hostel*

Unterkuenfte Cartagena Tipps
San­tua­rio Get­se­ma­ni Hostel
Unterkunft Cartagena Kolumbien Blog
Casa Eba­no

Casa Eba­no 967

The accom­mo­da­ti­on is also loca­ted in the Get­se­maní dis­trict and offers reason­ab­ly pri­ced dou­ble and sin­gle rooms. Once you lea­ve the hotel, you are right in the midd­le of the hust­le and bust­le of the alley­ways, with count­less restau­rants and cafés. The high­light of the accom­mo­da­ti­on is cer­tain­ly the small but love­ly roof­top pool, which is a won­derful place to relax after a busy day of sightseeing. 

Book your accom­mo­da­ti­on here: Casa Eba­no 967*

Fur­ther accommodation 

Not­hing the­re, not available or too expen­si­ve? Then sim­ply look direct­ly for sui­ta­ble accom­mo­da­ti­on on Pro­vi­den­cia at*.

Getsemani Reiseblog Cartagena Kolumbien

Get­ting around in Cartagena

Arri­val by plane

The easie­st and most com­for­ta­ble way to tra­vel to Car­ta­ge­na is by pla­ne. The­re are direct flights to Car­ta­ge­na from Euro­pe, for exam­p­le from Ams­ter­dam or Madrid. 

Within Colom­bia, Car­ta­ge­na can be rea­ched from almost any air­port, for exam­p­le with Avi­an­ca or LATAM. The pri­ces for dome­stic flights are very reasonable and are usual­ly bet­ween €40 and €80. It is also a quick and com­for­ta­ble alter­na­ti­ve to the buses in the country. 

Arri­val by bus

The bus net­work in Colom­bia is very well deve­lo­ped and Car­ta­ge­na can also be rea­ched by bus from many other cities. The­re are even bus con­nec­tions from more distant cities such as Medellín. 

For shorter distances, the­re are shut­tle buses bet­ween the cities, for exam­p­le bet­ween Car­ta­ge­na and San­ta Mar­ta or Baran­quil­la. The buses run seve­ral times a day. I took Ber­lina’s bus to San­ta Marta. 

Get around in Cartagena

Car­ta­ge­na air­port is about 20 minu­tes out­side the city, so it makes sen­se to take a cab into the city. In fact, it is also a much bet­ter opti­on than Uber. At the air­port, you can ask for the pri­ce of the cab from a machi­ne, print it out and then take the next cab, which gua­ran­tees you a gua­ran­teed price. 

The pri­ce for an Uber at the air­port was signi­fi­cant­ly hig­her and the Uber dri­ver would pro­ba­b­ly not have dri­ven direct­ly to the arri­vals area of the airport. 

In the city its­elf, howe­ver, Uber is a good alter­na­ti­ve for get­ting to the bus ter­mi­nal, for example. 

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Clock Tower Cartagena Reisetipp Highlights

Cos­ts of Tra­ve­ling in Cartagena

Pri­ces in Car­ta­ge­na are some­what hig­her than in many other Colom­bi­an cities, espe­ci­al­ly in the old town and the direct­ly adja­cent tou­rist dis­tricts. All in all, howe­ver, in my opi­ni­on they are around the Colom­bi­an average. 

Best time to visit Cartagena

Car­ta­ge­na is a year-round desti­na­ti­on and tem­pe­ra­tures are rela­tively high throug­hout the year, ran­ging from 22 to 32 degrees Cel­si­us. The best time to visit Car­ta­ge­na is from Decem­ber to April. Howe­ver, I would not recom­mend visi­ting in the first few weeks of the year after New Year, as most Colom­bi­ans are on vaca­ti­on during this peri­od and the city and bea­ches are very crow­ded and pri­ces are hig­her than usual. 

In prin­ci­ple, Car­ta­ge­na can also be visi­ted during the rest of the year wit­hout any pro­blems, but you should expect a few showers. 

Altstadt Cartagena Centro Historico Reiseblog

My con­clu­si­on about Cartagena:

I real­ly, real­ly lik­ed Car­ta­ge­na. The old town has an incre­di­ble amount of charm, is cle­ar­ly laid out, so you can easi­ly explo­re ever­y­thing on foot and the loca­ti­on right by the sea makes the city a won­derful desti­na­ti­on. In the evening, the streets are buz­zing with life and you can immer­se yours­elf in the city­’s cul­tu­re and ming­le with the locals. 

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