Colom­bia Itin­era­ry: Rou­te for 3–4 Weeks

Colombia has become increasingly popular among travelers in recent years. With it's stunning variety variety of landscapes - from the peaks of the Andes to picture-perfect Caribbean beaches, and a rich culture that can be found in vibrant cities and sleepy Andean villages, the country captivates visitors with an irresistible charm.

In this post, I’ll take you on a fasci­na­ting Colom­bia itin­era­ry. From the vibrant metro­po­lis of Bogo­tá and Medel­lín to the char­ming vil­la­ge of Salen­to and the colo­ni­al sple­ndor of Car­ta­ge­na. We’ll ven­ture into the lush jungles around Min­ca and tack­le the adven­tur­ous and unfor­gettable Lost City Trek near the coas­tal town of San­ta Mar­ta. A stay on the para­di­sia­cal island of Providencia—an off-the-bea­ten-path Carib­be­an gem with a touch of Robin­son Cru­soe vibes—is, of cour­se, a must. 

Day 0: Arrival

Day 1: Bogo­tá

Day 2: Onward jour­ney to Salento

Day 3: Salen­to

Day 4: Salen­to

Day 5: Salen­to — Medellín

Day 6: Medel­lín

Day 7: Medel­lín

Day 8: Gua­ta­pé day trip

Day 9: Medel­lín — San Andrés

Day 10: San Andrés — Pro­vi­den­cia

Day 11: Pro­vi­den­cia

Day 12: Pro­vi­den­cia

Day 13: Pro­vi­den­cia — Cartagena

Day 14: Car­ta­ge­na

Day 15: Car­ta­ge­na

Day 16: Car­ta­ge­na — Minca 

Day 17: Min­ca

Day 18: Min­ca

Day 19: Min­ca — San­ta Marta

Day 20: Lost City Trek

Day 21: Lost City Trek

Day 22: Lost City Trek

Day 23: Lost City Trek

Day 24: Cos­teno Beach

Day 25: Tay­ro­na NP

Day 26: Cos­teno Beach — San­ta Marta

Day 27: San­ta Mar­ta — Bogo­tá — Germany 

Day 0: Arrival

Day 1: Bogo­tá

Day 2: Onward jour­ney to Salento

Day 3: Salen­to

Day 4: Salento

Day 5: Salen­to — Medellín

Day 6: Medel­lín

Day 7: Medellín

Day 8: Gua­ta­pé day trip

Day 9: Medel­lín — Pro­vi­den­cia | Alter­na­ti­ve: Medel­lín — Cartagena

Day 10: Pro­vi­den­cia | Alter­na­ti­ve: Car­ta­ge­na

Day 11: Pro­vi­den­cia | Alter­na­ti­ve: Cartagena 

Day 12: Pro­vi­den­cia — Car­ta­ge­na | Alter­na­ti­ve: Car­ta­ge­na — Minca

Day 13: Car­ta­ge­na | Alter­na­ti­ve: Min­ca

Day 14: Car­ta­ge­na | Alter­na­ti­ve: Minca

Day 15: Car­ta­ge­na — Min­ca | Alter­na­ti­ve: Lost City Trek

Day 16: Min­ca | Alter­na­ti­ve: Lost City Trek

Day 17: Min­ca | Alter­na­ti­ve: Lost City Trek

Day 18: Beach | Alter­na­ti­ve: Lost City Trek

Day 19: Beach 

Day 20: Tay­ro­na NP

Day 21: Return journey 

My 4‑Week Colom­bia Itin­era­ry in Detail

Arri­val day

I flew from Munich to Bogo­tá via Madrid, arri­ving in the evening. I had alre­a­dy arran­ged an air­port trans­fer to my hos­tel in advan­ce, so I didn’t have to worry about fin­ding my way in the dark. 

Day 1: Bogotá

Bogo­tá, the vibrant capi­tal of Colom­bia, marks the begin­ning of my Colom­bia itin­era­ry. In this city whe­re moder­ni­ty meets tra­di­ti­on, I spent a day explo­ring and dis­co­ve­ring its uni­que blend of cul­tu­re and history. 

I star­ted the day with a free wal­king tour*. The gre­at thing about this tour is that you only pay what you think is fair at the end. And trust me, it’s worth every pen­ny. The free wal­king tour I cho­se took me through the his­to­ric cen­ter, La Can­del­aria. Wal­king through the nar­row streets, past colorful­ly pain­ted hou­ses and fol­low the foot­s­teps of Colombia’s histo­ry. The lively main squa­re, Pla­za de Bolí­var, with its magni­fi­cent cathe­dral and opu­lent Palace of Jus­ti­ce, is just one of the many places worth see­ing. Here you can feel the heart­beat of Bogo­tá, see the hust­le and bust­le and expe­ri­ence the city’s vibrant energy. 

The wal­king tour was per­fect for get­ting an over­view of the city, under­stan­ding its histo­ry and cur­rent trans­for­ma­ti­on, and gathe­ring exci­ting insi­der tips for fur­ther exploration. 

If the wea­ther is fine, you can climb Mon­ser­ra­te moun­tain in the after­noon and enjoy a uni­que view of Bogotá. 

Recom­men­ded length of stay: 2 days

My length of stay: 1 day, 2 nights

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on: To the free wal­king tour in Bogo­tá*
Bogota Kolumbien Reiseblog Route
Bogota Walking Tour Highlights

Day 2–4: Salento

After the urban hust­le and bust­le of Bogo­tá, the second day of the trip takes you to the char­ming vil­la­ge of Salen­to. Nest­led in the green, hil­ly land­scape of the so-cal­led cof­fee zone, Salen­to invi­tes you to explo­re its colorful paisa houses. 

On the first day of my stay, I visi­ted one of the local cof­fee farms, which is a must-do when visi­ting Salen­to. Here you get a deeper insight into the cof­fee pro­duc­tion pro­cess — from picking the red cof­fee cher­ries to washing and dry­ing the beans and tasting the finis­hed product. 

On the second day, a hike through the famous Coco­ra Val­ley was on the agen­da. The val­ley is known for its towe­ring wax palms—the tal­lest palms in the world. The hike took us through the rain­fo­rest and along crys­tal-clear rivers. It was a tru­ly ama­zing, diver­se, and chal­len­ging trail. 

Recom­men­ded length of stay: at least 2–3 full days 

My length of stay: 2 days (4 nights)

Salento Waxpalms Kolumbien
Salento Kaffeefarm Sehenswurdigkeiten

Day 5: Salen­to — Medellín

From the char­ming vil­la­ge of Salen­to, the next stop on my Colom­bia itin­era­ry was the modern and dyna­mic city of Medel­lín. Known as the “City of Eter­nal Spring”, Medel­lín is famous for its plea­sant, mild cli­ma­te. Once a hot­spot for vio­lent con­flicts and drug trade, the city has rapidly reco­ver­ed from its dark past and today stands as an exam­p­le of inno­va­ti­on and social change. 

Day 6–8: Medellín

One of the best ways to get to know and under­stand Medel­lín bet­ter is to take a free wal­king tour through the city cen­ter. Visi­tors gain an insight into the city’s eventful histo­ry and get to know the cul­tu­ral and his­to­ri­cal high­lights. With a know­led­geable local gui­de by your side, you will learn more about the city, its peo­p­le and hear sto­ries and anec­do­tes that you won’t find in any tra­vel guide. 

Ano­ther high­light in Medel­lín is defi­ni­te­ly a visit to Comu­na 13. Once one of the most dan­ge­rous are­as of the city, it is now a vibrant sea of crea­ti­ve graf­fi­ti and a sym­bol of the social trans­for­ma­ti­on Medel­lín has under­go­ne. A gui­ded tour through Comu­na 13 show­ca­ses the power of com­mu­ni­ty and the importance of art as a form of expres­si­on for social change. 

Anyo­ne visi­ting Medel­lín should con­sider a trip to Gua­ta­pé. Just two hours away, the char­ming town of Gua­ta­pé is wai­ting to be explo­red. But the high­light here is undoub­ted­ly “El Peñol de Gua­ta­pé,” a mas­si­ve mono­lith that you can climb, offe­ring a breath­ta­king view over the sur­roun­ding lake labyrinth. 

The­se are just a few of the many expe­ri­en­ces awai­ting you in Medel­lín. You can find more in my detail­ed gui­de about the city. 

Recom­men­ded length of stay: 3 — 5 days

My length of stay: 3 days (5 nights)

Comuna 13 Medellin Kolumbien
Piedra de Penol Medellin Kolumbien

Day 9: Medel­lín — San Andrés

From Medel­lín, I flew dome­sti­cal­ly to the island of San Andrés. Alt­hough my stay was brief, San Andrés imme­dia­te­ly offe­red that exo­tic Carib­be­an vibe to cap­ti­va­te visi­tors. With its spar­k­ling white bea­ches and crys­tal-clear tur­quoi­se waters, the island is a para­di­se for water lovers and sun seekers. 

In the short time I had in the after­noon and evening, I explo­red the beach and wal­ked along the coast befo­re eating in one of the count­less restau­rants near the beach in the evening.

San Andrés impres­ses with its rela­xed atmo­sphe­re and makes you look for­ward to the next, lon­ger island stop Providencia.

Day 10 — 12: Providencia 

After a brief visit to San Andrés, I con­tin­ued my jour­ney to Pro­vi­den­cia Island by small pro­pel­ler pla­ne. A real gem, far from mass tou­rism, and a para­di­se for tho­se see­king peace and nature. 

The island is impres­si­ve in its sim­pli­ci­ty and unspoi­led beau­ty. White san­dy bea­ches, tur­quoi­se waters and a coral reef that invi­tes you to dive and snorkel. 

During my stay on Pro­vi­den­cia, it’s a gre­at idea to explo­re the island by scoo­ter. The land­scape is hil­ly and lush, and the few roads wind along the bays and beaches. 

Recom­men­ded length of stay: at least 3 nights 

My length of stay: 2 days, 3 nights

Detail­ed Gui­de: Dis­co­ver Providencia

header Providencia
Cayo Cangrejo Providencia Reiseblog Kolumbien

Day 13: Pro­vi­den­cia — San And­res — Cartagena 

From the para­di­sia­cal island para­di­se of Pro­vi­den­cia, the jour­ney con­ti­nues to the UNESCO World Heri­ta­ge city of Car­ta­ge­na. As a high­light of my Colom­bia itin­era­ry, Car­ta­ge­na tru­ly play­ed its cards right, reve­al­ing its­elf as a place full of charm, histo­ry, and vibrant life. 

Day 14–15: Cartagena 

Car­ta­ge­na is known for its impres­si­ve­ly well-pre­ser­ved old town. Here, you can stroll through nar­row streets, bet­ween pas­tel-colo­red colo­ni­al buil­dings and under bal­co­nies ador­ned with flowers. A Free Wal­king Tour pro­vi­des a gre­at first over­view of the city and offers insights into its tumul­tuous histo­ry. A walk along the old city wall, which once pro­tec­ted the city, is also a must. From here, you get a stun­ning view of the Carib­be­an Sea and the modern sky­line of Bocagrande. 

In the evening, Car­ta­ge­na comes to life. The num­e­rous bars and restau­rants invi­te you to try Colom­bi­an spe­cial­ties and end the day with a glass of rum. 

Read more: Car­ta­ge­na — Colombia’s Gem on the Carib­be­an Coast

Recom­men­ded length of stay: at least 2 days 

My length of stay: 3 days, 4 nights 

Unbenannt 71
Cartagena Altstadt Reiseblog Tipps e1690702944578

Day 16: Car­ta­ge­na — Minca 

After the hust­le and bust­le of Car­ta­ge­na, the moun­tain vil­la­ge of Min­ca offers the per­fect con­trast. Nest­led in the foot­hills of the Sier­ra Neva­da de San­ta Mar­ta, Min­ca is an idyl­lic retre­at cha­rac­te­ri­zed by lush natu­re, gent­le rivers and refres­hing waterfalls. 

I got the­re by taking a bus from Car­ta­ge­na to San­ta Mar­ta and then hea­ding by cab from San­ta Mar­ta to Minca. 

Day 17–18: Minca 

In Min­ca, you step into ano­ther world. Here, you’re woken by the mor­ning chir­ping of birds ins­tead of the hon­king of city cars. A gre­at way to explo­re the area is on foot with some shorter hikes. 

One of the high­lights of Min­ca is undoub­ted­ly the refres­hing water­falls. After a short hike, you reach natu­ral pools that invi­te you to take a refres­hing dip. 

In the evening, it is worth visi­ting one of the restau­rants and bars loca­ted on the hills around the vil­la­ge to enjoy the breath­ta­king sun­set with a view over the mountains.

Recom­men­ded length of stay: 2 days, 3 nights 

My length of stay: 2 days, 3 nights

Pozo Azul Minka Kolumbien Reiseblog

Day 19: Min­ca — San­ta Marta 

From Min­ca, the jour­ney con­tin­ued to the coas­tal town of San­ta Mar­ta. I spent half a day here, which was enough to stroll through the mar­ket in the city, along the lively beach pro­me­na­de and through the bust­ling streets. Espe­ci­al­ly around the Par­que de los Novi­os you will find many restau­rants and bars and the most beau­tiful alley­ways in the city. 

Alt­hough, in my opi­ni­on, San­ta Mar­ta doesn’t offer much else, its night­li­fe is defi­ni­te­ly worth che­cking out. A popu­lar sal­sa bar among both locals and tou­rists is La Puer­ta. And don’t worry—you don’t need to know how to dance sal­sa to enjoy a visit. 

Howe­ver, if, like me, you’ve plan­ned the Lost City Trek for the next day, it’s wise not to stay out too late. 

Recom­men­ded length of stay: max. 1–2 nights 

My length of stay: 1 night

Here are a few tips for San­ta Marta:

Accom­mo­da­ti­on: Masaya San­ta Marta*

Restau­rant tips:

  • Mam­ma­mia Comi­da Italian
  • Ika­ro Café
  • El Mexi­can San­ta Marta

Sal­sa Bar: La Puer­ta

Day 20–23: Lost City Trek

An unfor­gettable expe­ri­ence in Colom­bia is the hike to the Lost City, or Ciu­dad Per­di­da, in the heart of the jungle. The four-day trek to the Lost City in Colom­bia is an inten­se but unfor­gettable adven­ture. The jour­ney beg­ins in San­ta Mar­ta, from whe­re you set off tor­wards El Mamey, the start­ing point of the hike. The mul­ti-day trek pas­ses water­falls, indi­ge­nous vil­la­ges and pic­tures­que river crossings. The high­light, of cour­se, is the mys­ti­cal Lost City its­elf — an impres­si­ve pre­his­to­ric site hid­den amidst lush green hills. The climb up to the Lost City can be chal­len­ging, but the view and the fee­ling of stan­ding in this his­to­ric site make it worth every effort. 

On the last day of hiking and at the end of the hike, I retur­ned to San­ta Mar­ta for one night befo­re con­ti­nuing my jour­ney the next day. 

All infor­ma­ti­on about the hike: Lost City Trek — Hike to the lost city
Ciudad Perdida Sierra Nevada Wanderung

Day 24–26: Cos­te­ño Beach

After the inten­se days of the Lost City Trek, it’s time to relax and enjoy the sun. The beau­tiful beach at Cos­te­ño Beach is per­fect for this. Here you can lie on the warm sand all day, refresh yours­elf in the tur­quoi­se blue water and let your mind wan­der. For the more adven­tur­ous, a day trip to the near­by Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park is a must. The­re you can hike through den­se rain­fo­rests, explo­re breath­ta­king view­points along the coast and swim on the bea­ches. All in all, Cos­te­ño Beach is the ide­al place to rech­ar­ge your bat­te­ries after the Lost City Trek and expe­ri­ence Colombia’s coas­tal paradise. 

Recom­men­ded length of stay: 2 days, min. 2 nights 

My length of stay: 2 nights

Accom­mo­da­ti­on: Tay­ro­na Ten­ted Lodge*

In the late after­noon of my last day, I went back to San­ta Mar­ta. I spent my last night the­re befo­re start­ing my jour­ney back to Germany. 

Costeno Beach Kolumbien Rundreise Highlights

Day 27: Return day San­ta Mar­ta — Bogo­tá — Germany 

An exci­ting, thril­ling, and diver­se jour­ney comes to an end. After just over four weeks of new impres­si­ons and unfor­gettable expe­ri­en­ces in Colom­bia, I tra­ve­led back to Ger­ma­ny via Bogo­tá from San­ta Marta. 


Cos­ts of tra­ve­ling Colom­bia: An Overview

Let’s dive into the num­bers and the exci­ting ques­ti­on: How much does a Colom­bia tour cost in 2023? Sin­ce I kept asking mys­elf this ques­ti­on during the trip plan­ning pro­cess, I’m not kee­ping it a secret and will share my expen­ses com­ple­te­ly and wit­hout exception. 

A quick note about my “tra­vel style.” Once again, I was tra­ve­ling with a back­pack and often stay­ed in hos­tels or shared a room with other tra­ve­lers. Howe­ver, I also trea­ted mys­elf to a pri­va­te room now and then. So, I didn’t always choo­se the che­a­pest opti­on, but always tried to weigh the pri­ce-to-per­for­mance ratio careful­ly. I also went to an expen­si­ve, fan­cy restau­rant in Medel­lín, but I balan­ced it out with some street food in bet­ween. So, I’d say this is a pret­ty avera­ge bud­get for my trip. 

All in all, I would say my cos­ts are fair­ly repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of an avera­ge stay. 

Rei­se­kos­ten Kolumbien
4 Wochen
Kos­ten pro Person
Flü­ge1.092,32 €
Hin- und Rückflug
MUC — Bogotá
752,68 €
Flug Bogo­tá — Pereira76,00 €
Flug Medel­lín — San Andres70,56 €
Hin- und Rück­flug San Andrés — Providencia119,00 €
Flug San Andrés — Cartagena55,96 €
Flug San­ta Mar­ta — Bogotá67,24 €
Unter­künf­te480,13 €
(Taxi, Rol­ler, Boot, Öffis etc.)
167,52 €
Restaurants/ Cafés261,24 €
Akti­vi­tä­ten (Aus­flü­ge, Ein­tritts­gel­der, etc.)463,30 €
(Sim-Kar­te, Reinigung…)
165,78 €
Sum­me2.670,97 €

Best time to tra­vel around Colombia

The best time to tra­vel through Colom­bia varies depen­ding on per­so­nal pre­fe­ren­ces and the regi­ons visi­ted. In gene­ral, howe­ver, it can be said that the months of Decem­ber to March and June to August are con­side­red the driest times of the year and the­r­e­fo­re offer ide­al con­di­ti­ons for out­door acti­vi­ties and sight­see­ing. In the coas­tal are­as and by the sea, the cli­ma­te is tro­pi­cal all year round, while in the hig­her are­as such as the Andes regi­on or the Cof­fee Tri­ang­le, the cli­ma­te is milder. 

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