Things to Do in Cape Town – 25 Must-See Attrac­tions & Experiences

Cape Town, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, is packed with breathtaking nature, vibrant culture, and endless adventures. From iconic landmarks like Table Mountain to hidden gems off the beaten path – this Cape Town guide will show you the best places to visit and top attractions you shouldn’t miss!

Cape Town is a city that cap­ti­va­tes visi­tors with its breath­ta­king natu­re, vibrant city life, and uni­que mix of adven­ture, cul­tu­re, and cui­sine. Whe­ther you’­re loo­king for spec­ta­cu­lar views, unfor­gettable expe­ri­en­ces, or rela­xing moments on the beach, the “Mother City” has some­thing for ever­yo­ne.
In this Cape Town gui­de, you’ll dis­co­ver the best things to do Cape Town, must-see high­lights, and uni­que expe­ri­en­ces you shouldn’t miss on your trip. 

The Top 7 Cape Town Attractions

1. Table Moun­tain – The Ico­nic Land­mark of Cape Town

No visit to Cape Town is com­ple­te wit­hout a trip to Table Moun­tain. You can eit­her take the cable car to the top in just a few minu­tes or hike one of the many scenic trails. The cable car curr­ent­ly cos­ts R490 (~€25, as of 01/2025) for a round trip.

The most popu­lar hiking rou­te is Plat­te­klip Gor­ge, which takes about 1.5 to 2 hours, depen­ding on your fit­ness level. Once at the top, you’ll be reward­ed with breath­ta­king pan­o­r­amic views over the city, bea­ches, and the vast ocean. 

Tip: Wear stur­dy shoes for the hike and bring ple­nty of water!

Tafelberg Top Kapstadt Sehenswürdigkeiten

2. Stun­ning Bea­ches: Clif­ton & Camps Bay

Clifton Beach Kapstadt Sehenswürdigkeiten

Cape Town is famous for its beau­tiful bea­ches, and Clif­ton Beach and Camps Bay are among the most spec­ta­cu­lar. While Clif­ton offers secluded coves, Camps Bay boasts a lively pro­me­na­de lined with cafés and restau­rants.
The­se bea­ches are per­fect for sun­bathing, and if you’re fee­ling bra­ve, you can take a refres­hing dip in the chil­ly Atlan­tic Oce­an. Plus, the maje­s­tic Twel­ve Apost­les moun­ta­ins crea­te a breath­ta­king back­drop, making the sce­n­ery even more stunning. 

3. V&A Water­front — Shop­ping, Restau­rants & Har­bour Vibes

The Vic­to­ria & Alfred Water­front is one of the most popu­lar spots in Cape Town. Take a lei­su­re­ly stroll along the scenic pro­me­na­de, brow­se bou­ti­ques, watch street per­for­mers, or enjoy a meal at a restau­rant with Table Moun­tain views. This is also the start­ing point for many boat tours, inclu­ding trips to Rob­ben Island and sun­set crui­ses, offe­ring a uni­que per­spec­ti­ve of the city from the water. 

12 Highlights in Kapstadt

4. Wine­tasting in Con­stan­tia oder Stellenbosch

Winetasting in Stellenbosch

The Cape regi­on is world-famous for its excel­lent wines. Just 20 minu­tes from Cape Town, Con­stan­tia offers his­to­ric wine estates like Groot Con­stan­tia and Bui­ten­ver­wacht­ing, whe­re you can sam­ple top-qua­li­ty wines. If you’­re loo­king for more varie­ty, a day trip to Stel­len­bosch or Fransch­hoek is a must. The­se char­ming wine towns are home to some of the best wine­ries in South Africa. 

For more infor­ma­ti­on on wine tastings and the best wine farms, check below: here.

5. Rob­ben Island — Expe­ri­ence history

Rob­ben Island is one of South Africa’s most signi­fi­cant his­to­ri­cal sites and was once home to the pri­son whe­re Nel­son Man­de­la was held befo­re beco­ming the country’s president.

Tours to Rob­ben Island start from the V&A Water­front and include a boat trip, a gui­ded tour of the island, and a visit to the for­mer pri­son. One of the most memo­rable aspects? The pri­son tours are led by for­mer inma­tes who share their per­so­nal sto­ries – a moving and authen­tic expe­ri­ence that I high­ly recommend! 

6. Explo­re Cape Towns Markets

Kapstadt Oranjezicht Farmers Market South Africa4

Cape Town is known for its vibrant mar­kets, which offer more than just deli­cious food – they are a true life­style expe­ri­ence. Whe­ther you’re loo­king for fresh local pro­du­ce, street food, or hand­craf­ted sou­ve­nirs, mar­kets are the per­fect place to soak up the city’s crea­ti­ve and mul­ti­cul­tu­ral atmo­sphe­re. One of the best spots is the Oran­je­zicht City Farm Market. 

For a gui­de to the best mar­kets in Cape Town, check below: here.

7. Magi­cal Sun­sets in Cape Town

Cape Town’s sun­sets are legen­da­ry and defi­ni­te­ly belong on your must-see list. The­re are many fan­ta­stic spots to watch the sky turn into a masterpiece: 

    • Signal Hill – Ide­al for a rela­xed pic­nic with a pan­o­r­amic city and oce­an view
    • Lion’s Head – A 60–90-minute hike rewards you with an unbeata­ble sun­set view
    • The Rock – A true hid­den gem, whe­re you can enjoy the view of Clif­ton from the cliffs bet­ween some of the city’s most luxu­rious villas 
    • Clif­ton Beach – Not­hing beats a sun­set by the oce­an as the sun dis­ap­pears into the sea
    • Maiden’s Cove – A spec­ta­cu­lar view­point over­loo­king Camps Bay and the ocean 

Won­de­ring whe­re is the best place to stay in Cape Town? Is it real­ly that dan­ge­rous and wha­t’s the best way to get around? You’ll find the ans­wers here: Prac­ti­cal Cape Town Gui­de.

The 5 Most Beau­tiful Bea­ches in and Around Cape Town

Cape Town is famous for its breath­ta­king bea­ches, offe­ring the per­fect com­bi­na­ti­on of tur­quoi­se waters, fine sand, and spec­ta­cu­lar moun­tain back­drops. Whe­ther you’­re loo­king to relax in the sun, swim in the Atlan­tic, or stroll along the coast­li­ne – you’ll find the per­fect beach for your Cape Town experience. 

Clif­ton Beach: The Chi­cest Bea­ches in the City

The four bea­ches of Clif­ton are among the most exclu­si­ve and beau­tiful in Cape Town. Pro­tec­ted by rocks and with crys­tal-clear waters, they pro­vi­de ide­al con­di­ti­ons for a rela­xing beach day. The fine white sand and the stun­ning view of the Twel­ve Apost­les make Clif­ton Beach a true Cape Town top attrac­tion. Howe­ver, the water of the Atlan­tic here is ice-cold – a refres­hing dip is guaranteed!

Clif­ton Beach is also spec­ta­cu­lar in the evening, as it’s one of the best spots to catch a sun­set with a view of the Atlan­tic. Plus, it’s only a short dri­ve from the city cen­ter, making it easy to reach. 

Clifton Beach Cape Town

Camps Bay – The Most Famous City Beach

Camps Bay Beach Kapstadt

Camps Bay Beach is the most famous and vibrant beach in Cape Town. Loca­ted right on the palm-lined pro­me­na­de, this beach not only offers breath­ta­king views with Table Moun­tain and the Twel­ve Apost­les in the back­ground but also ple­nty of restau­rants, cafes, and bars. The wide, white san­dy beach is per­fect for sun­bathing, while the cool water offers a refres­hing escape. In the evening, the pro­me­na­de turns into a hot­spot for sun­dow­ners with an unpar­al­le­led view of the oce­an.
If you’­re loo­king for stuff to do in Cape Town, a visit to Camps Bay is a must. 

Llan­dud­no Beach – The Hid­den Gem

This idyl­lic beach is a real hid­den gem! Llan­dud­no is a bit off the bea­ten path and is known for its rocks, tur­quoi­se water, and rela­xed vibe. The waves make it par­ti­cu­lar­ly popu­lar with sur­fers, but it’s also the per­fect spot for a quiet after­noon at the beach. Loo­king for a less crow­ded beach? Llan­dud­no should defi­ni­te­ly be on your Cape Town list. 

LLandudno Beach Kapstadt

Noor­dhoek Beach

Noordhoek Beach

The expan­si­ve Noor­dhoek Beach stret­ches for seve­ral kilo­me­ters and is per­fect for long walks or even a hor­se­back ride along the shore. It’s much quie­ter than the city bea­ches, making it ide­al for enjoy­ing the rug­ged beau­ty of the Cape Pen­in­su­la. The view of Chapman’s Peak Dri­ve makes this beach one of the best places to visit in Cape Town for stun­ning photos. 

Blou­berg Beach

f you’re loo­king for the ico­nic post­card view of Cape Town with Table Moun­tain in the back­ground, Blou­berg is whe­re you’ll find it. Just 20 minu­tes out­side of the city, you’ll find the end­less fine san­dy bea­ches of Blou­berg. Espe­ci­al­ly at sun­set, the view of Cape Town from here is sim­ply breath­ta­king. The beach is also extre­me­ly popu­lar with kite and wind­sur­fers, as the con­di­ti­ons here are per­fect for the sport. 

Cul­tu­ral High­lights in Cape Town

The Colorful Bo-Kaap District 

The Bo-Kaap dis­trict is famous for its colorful hou­ses and its Cape Malay cul­tu­re. The vibrant hou­ses, cob­ble­s­tone streets, and the stun­ning back­drop of Signal Hill make it one of the most pho­to­gra­phed spots in Cape Town. Howe­ver, Bo-Kaap is more than just an Insta­gram back­drop – it tells the sto­ry of the Cape Malays, who were once brought to South Afri­ca as slaves. Today, the neigh­bor­hood sym­bo­li­zes cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge and resis­tance. A visit to the Bo-Kaap Muse­um offers a deeper insight into the district’s rich histo­ry. A Free Wal­king Tour with a local is also high­ly recom­men­ded to learn more about the area and dis­co­ver its hid­den gems. 

Boo Kap Kapstadt | Südafrika Rundreise: Reisebericht, Reisetipps, Routen, Highlights, Reiseblog


The Zeitz Muse­um of Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art Afri­ca (MOCAA) is the lar­gest muse­um dedi­ca­ted to con­tem­po­ra­ry Afri­can art and is housed in a con­ver­ted grain silo at the V&A Water­front. The archi­tec­tu­re alo­ne is spec­ta­cu­lar: A for­mer grain silo has been trans­for­med into a modern art temp­le, span­ning seven flo­ors and show­ca­sing works from Afri­can artists. Here, you’ll find impres­si­ve instal­la­ti­ons, pho­to­gra­phy, sculp­tures, and pain­tings that explo­re the past, pre­sent, and future of the Afri­can con­ti­nent.
If you’­re loo­king for things to do in Cape Town rela­ted to art and cul­tu­re, Zeitz MOCAA should defi­ni­te­ly be on your list. 

Which neigh­bour­hoods are the best to stay? How to get around? What is Loadshed­ding? How dan­ge­rous is Cape Town real­ly?
In this gui­de you’ll get to know it all!

Best View­points and Hikes in Cape Town

Cape Town is a para­di­se for out­door enthu­si­asts, offe­ring num­e­rous view­points with spec­ta­cu­lar pan­ora­mas. Whe­ther you’­re loo­king for a short hike or sim­ply want to enjoy breath­ta­king views of the city and the sea, the­se four spots should not be missed. 

Lion’s Head — the best 360° view

The hike up on Lion’s Head is an abso­lu­te must-do. The ascent takes about 60 to 90 minu­tes and offers a stun­ning 360° view. It’s par­ti­cu­lar­ly magi­cal during sun­ri­se or sun­set. But be awa­re: The last sec­tion requi­res some clim­bing with the help of chains and ladders. 

For tho­se hiking at dawn or dusk, a flash­light, pre­fer­a­b­ly a head­lamp, is essen­ti­al to keep your hands free. It’s also advi­sa­ble to bring a jacket or swea­ter, as it can be very win­dy and chil­ly at the summit. 

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, the­re have been regu­lar inci­dents of attacks on hikers, so it’s best to go in groups or book a gui­ded hike*. The­se are usual­ly not very expen­si­ve, and you’ll gain more insights into Cape Town with an expe­ri­en­ced gui­de by your side. 

Lions Head View Cape Town

Signal Hill

If you’­re loo­king for the per­fect spot for a rela­xed sun­dow­ner, Signal Hill is the ide­al choice. Bring a blan­ket and enjoy the views over the city. This spot is also a gre­at alter­na­ti­ve for tho­se who want a fan­ta­stic view wit­hout the chal­len­ging hike to Lion’s Head. For tho­se thin­king of enjoy­ing a glass of wine here: Drin­king alco­hol is offi­ci­al­ly pro­hi­bi­ted, and the poli­ce occa­sio­nal­ly pat­rol the area, issuing fines. 

Kloof Kor­ner Hike — The Per­fect Sun­set Hike

The Kloof Kor­ner Hike is a les­ser-known but fan­ta­stic alter­na­ti­ve to the Lion’s Head hike. The short but steep climb (20–30 minu­tes) rewards you with a spec­ta­cu­lar view over Camps Bay and the set­ting sun over the sea. The start­ing point is at the cable car sta­ti­on below Table Mountain. 

The Rock — the hid­den spot

“The Rock” is a true hid­den gem for tho­se see­king a less crow­ded view­point. This spot is a clus­ter of rocks beneath Lion’s Head, nest­led bet­ween the most expen­si­ve vil­las in the city. From here, you get an incre­di­ble view of the Twel­ve Apost­les and Clif­ton.

Sonnenuntergang in Kapstadt

Uni­que Expe­ri­en­ces in Cape Town

Cape Town is not only famous for its stun­ning natu­re and impres­si­ve land­marks, but also for uni­que expe­ri­en­ces that make a Cape Town trip tru­ly spe­cial. Here are some unfor­gettable high­lights you should­n’t miss. 

Con­certs or Open­air Cine­ma at Kirs­ten­bosch Bota­ni­cal Garden 

The Kirs­ten­bosch Bota­ni­cal Gar­den is one of the most beau­tiful bota­ni­cal gar­dens in the world and lies at the foot of Table Moun­tain. It’s the per­fect place to escape the sum­mer heat and enjoy peace and nature. 

During the South Afri­can sum­mer, from Novem­ber to March, open-air con­certs take place on weekends, whe­re you can enjoy live music at sun­set while loung­ing on a pic­nic blan­ket. The Gali­leo Open-Air Cine­ma is ano­ther must-do: watch clas­sic movies and block­bus­ters under the star­ry sky. Make sure to check the sche­du­le and book your tickets online in advance. 

Kirs­ten­bosch Con­certs: Sche­du­le and Tickets

Gali­leo Open Air Cine­ma: Sche­du­le und Tickets

Sun­ri­se Kay­ak Tour 

One of Cape Town’s most uni­que expe­ri­en­ces is a sun­ri­se kay­ak tour*. The tours usual­ly start from Sea Point Pro­me­na­de or Gran­ger Bay and fol­low the breath­ta­king coast­li­ne with views of Table Moun­tain. With a bit of luck, you may even spot dol­phins, seals, or wha­les as the first rays of sun­light bathe the city in gol­den light. A tru­ly unfor­gettable experience. 

If you’­re plan­ning a kay­ak tour during your stay, it’s bet­ter to book ear­ly rather than later. Depen­ding on the wea­ther and waves, tours may be rescheduled. 

Sun­set Boat Cruise

Sunset Cruise

A sun­set over the Atlan­tic is an unfor­gettable expe­ri­ence in Cape Town – and it’s even more magi­cal from the water. Various tour pro­vi­ders offer sun­set crui­ses on luxu­rious cata­marans or sailboats, start­ing from the V&A Water­front. With a glass of cham­pa­gne in hand, you’ll gli­de past the stun­ning sce­n­ery of Table Moun­tain, Lion’s Head, and Signal Hill, as the sun casts vibrant oran­ge and pink hues across the sky. For a more exclu­si­ve expe­ri­ence, opt for a pri­va­te tour. 

First Thurs­day — Dis­co­ver Cape Town’s Art Scene

Every first Thurs­day of the month, the city cen­ter trans­forms into a mas­si­ve art and cul­tu­re event. Gal­le­ries stay open until late, street per­for­mers enter­tain the crowd, and the bars and restau­rants come ali­ve with ener­gy. Most gal­le­ries are loca­ted bet­ween Long Street, Bree Street, and Loop Street. 

Find more Info here: Upco­ming Dates, Galleries,…

First Thursday Cape Town

Sky­di­ving in Cape Town — Pure Adrenaline! 

For adre­na­line see­kers, sky­di­ving in Cape Town offers an unfor­gettable expe­ri­ence. Jum­ping from alti­tu­des of 9,000 to 11,000 feet, you’ll enjoy free­fall for seve­ral seconds befo­re the parach­u­te opens. As you gli­de down, you’ll be trea­ted to some of the most breath­ta­king views of Cape Town, inclu­ding Table Moun­tain, Rob­ben Island, and the long bea­ches around Blou­berg. This thril­ling adven­ture is undoub­ted­ly one of the most unfor­get­t­ta­ble expe­ri­en­ces in Cape Town. 

Fri­ends who Volley 

If you want to meet new peo­p­le in Cape Town while stay­ing acti­ve, you should defi­ni­te­ly join a beach vol­ley­ball ses­si­on by “Fri­ends Who Vol­ley.” Every Thurs­day evening during sum­mer, locals and tra­ve­lers gather at Clif­ton 1st Beach for rela­xed yet chal­len­ging matches in the sand. The com­mu­ni­ty is very wel­co­ming, and after the game, many enjoy wat­ching the sun­set tog­e­ther. It’s the per­fect way to wrap up a day of Cape Town attrac­tions with a spor­ty and social ending. 

Updates are published on their Insta­gram Account: Fri­ends Who Volley

Friends Who Volley Kapstadt

Culina­ry High­lights in Cape Town

Mar­kets in Cape Town — Food, Vibes & Shopping

Cape Town is known for its vibrant mar­kets, offe­ring not only culina­ry high­lights but also a true life­style expe­ri­ence. Whe­ther you’­re loo­king for fresh local pro­du­ce, street food, or hand­ma­de sou­ve­nirs, the mar­kets are the per­fect place to soak up the city­’s crea­ti­ve and mul­ti­cul­tu­ral atmo­sphe­re. Here are four mar­kets you should­n’t miss: 

Oran­je­zicht Far­mers Market 

📍 Loca­ti­on: Gran­ger Bay, V&A Water­front
🕒 When: Wed­nes­day 04:30pm – 09pm | Satur­day & Sun­day 8am – 2pm

A visit to the Oran­je­zicht Far­mers Mar­ket is now a must-do. Over the years, the mar­ket has beco­me incre­asing­ly popu­lar and is a true ‘place to be’. Along­side fresh fruit and vege­ta­bles, local food and clot­hing are sold. The street food sec­tion is espe­ci­al­ly note­wor­t­hy, offe­ring a varie­ty of deli­cious opti­ons. The mar­ket is loca­ted in Gran­ger Bay, right next to the V&A Waterfront. 

Neigh­bour­goods Market 

📍 Loca­ti­on: The Old Bis­cuit Mill, Wood­stock
🕒 When: Satur­day & Sun­day 9am — 3pm

The Neigh­bour­goods Mar­ket is a true must-visit for foo­dies and anyo­ne loo­king to enjoy Cape Town’s vibrant atmo­sphe­re. Every weekend, locals and tou­rists gather in an old fac­to­ry buil­ding in Wood­stock to enjoy a varie­ty of food stalls, sip wine, and lis­ten to live music. Bes­i­des food, you’ll find local fashion, art, and design. 

Blaauw­klip­pen Fami­ly Market 

📍 Loca­ti­on: Blaauw­klip­pen Wine Estate, Stel­len­bosch
🕒 When: Satur­day & Sun­days 10am – 4pm

This mar­ket, set on a wine estate, com­bi­nes excel­lent food with stun­ning views. You can sam­ple home­ma­de tre­ats, shop for hand­ma­de goods, and enjoy live music—all with a breath­ta­king view of Stellenbosch’s viney­ards. It’s par­ti­cu­lar­ly fami­ly-fri­end­ly, with ple­nty of acti­vi­ties for kids. 

Cape Point Viney­ard Market

📍 Loca­ti­on: Cape Point Viney­ards, Noor­dhoek
🕒 When: Wed­nes­days 4:30pm — 8:30pm

Loo­king for a rela­xed evening spot? The Cape Point Viney­ards Mar­ket is per­fect. Held every Wed­nes­day, this mar­ket offers spec­ta­cu­lar views of the viney­ards and oce­an. Enjoy street food in a pic­nic-like atmo­sphe­re, sam­ple local wines, and watch the sun­set over Noordhoek. 

Cape Point Vineyard


The regi­on sur­roun­ding Cape Town is one of the world’s best wine regi­ons, making a wine­tasting in Cape Town an abso­lu­te must-do for wine lovers. Whe­ther you opt for a gui­ded tour or pre­fer to explo­re on your own, it’s a won­derful way to take in the local cul­tu­re and land­scape. Even if you’re not a big wine drin­ker, a visit to one of the beau­tiful wine estates is worth it for the views and rela­xed atmosphere. 

The best-known wine regi­ons are Stel­len­bosch and Fransch­hoek, whe­re you’ll find his­to­ric estates, award-win­ning wines, and excep­tio­nal tastings. The wine­ries also offer stun­ning views, making it a tru­ly pic­tures­que expe­ri­ence. A day trip is high­ly recom­men­ded, but for the full expe­ri­ence, con­sider stay­ing overnight. 

👉🏼 Here are some of my favo­ri­te wine­ries in Stel­len­bosch and Franschhoek:

・Ernie Els Wines
・Hid­den Val­ley Wines
・Boschend­al Wine Estate
・Baby­lons­to­ren Wine Estate
・Mont Rochel­le
・Water­ford Estate

If you’re short on time but still want to enjoy a wine­tasting in Cape Town, the viney­ards around Con­stan­tia are a per­fect alter­na­ti­ve. Only about 20 minu­tes from the city cen­ter, they are per­fect for a con­ve­ni­ent day trip. Despi­te their pro­xi­mi­ty to the city, the Con­stan­tia wine­ries offer top-qua­li­ty wines, sty­lish tastings, and swee­ping views of the sur­roun­ding hills. 

👉🏼 Here are my favo­ri­te wine­ries in Constantia:

・Beau Con­stan­tia
・Con­stan­tia Glen

The Best Restau­rants and Cafes

Cape Town’s restau­rant sce­ne is excep­tio­nal, offe­ring ever­y­thing from fine dining to casu­al beach bars. Whe­ther you’re in the mood for sushi, piz­za, or ama­zing sea­food, you’ll find it all in Cape Town, at a ran­ge of pri­ce points. My list of recom­men­da­ti­ons is quite long, and I’ve pin­ned all my favo­ri­te spots on my Goog­le Maps map (which you can down­load below). But here are some of my per­so­nal favorites: 

Favo­ri­te Cafés:

☕️ Stran­gers Club: My abso­lu­te favo­ri­te café for a rela­xed, deli­cious breakfast. 

☕️ Jar­ry­d’s Brunch & Bistro

☕️ Our Local @117 Kloof

☕️ Jason Bak­ery
☕️ Kanela Café

Fruhstuck Kapstadt Highlights

Favo­ri­te Restau­rants:

🍽️ Kloof Street House: A per­fect mix of style, charm, and ama­zing food.
🍽️ Lie­vi­ta: A down-to-earth spot ser­ving excel­lent Ita­li­an food in a laid-back atmo­sphe­re.
🍽️ Zuney Wagyu Bur­gers: More of a take-away joint, but the­se are the best bur­gers in town.
🍽️ The Pot­luck Club : Deli­cious tapas with excel­lent qua­li­ty and a stun­ning view over the city.
🍽️ La Colom­be: THE fine dining restau­rant in Cape Town, loca­ted in the Con­stan­tia vineyards. 

All my favo­ri­te restau­rants and cafes are pin­ned on my Goog­le Maps:View the map here

Map: All Cape Town Attrac­tions, Restau­rants and best Places in Goog­le Maps

Save all Cape Town Attrac­tions and Recom­men­da­ti­ons direct­ly in Goog­le Maps.
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