Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park: tips and information

In Tyrona National Park, exotic flora and fauna meet pristine beaches. Hidden paths lead through the dense jungle and the beauty of the park is breathtaking.

Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park is loca­ted bet­ween Palo­mi­no and San­ta Mar­ta on the Carib­be­an coast of Colom­bia and is a real para­di­se for natu­re lovers. The park attracts visi­tors with its rich bio­di­ver­si­ty, breath­ta­king land­scapes and archaeo­lo­gi­cal tre­asu­res. Various hiking trails lead to pre-Colum­bi­an ruins or offer the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­co­ver the impres­si­ve flo­ra and fau­na and beau­tiful bays invi­te you to swim. 

High­lights & acti­vi­ties in Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park

The­re are a varie­ty of acti­vi­ties to spend your time doing in Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park. Hikes through the par­k’s impres­si­ve flo­ra and fau­na are par­ti­cu­lar­ly popu­lar. The trails lead to pris­ti­ne bea­ches, hid­den lagoons and impres­si­ve view­points. For histo­ry buffs, a visit to the pre-Colum­bi­an ruins is an abso­lu­te must. If you want to take it easy, you can relax on the para­di­sia­cal bea­ches, swim in the warm sea or explo­re the fasci­na­ting under­wa­ter world while snor­ke­ling. If you pre­fer, you can also explo­re the Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park over seve­ral days and spend the night at one of the camp­si­tes or in a hut. 

Hike in Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park

The easie­st and almost only way to get around the Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park is on foot. The par­k’s bea­ches can be rea­ched via the mark­ed hiking trails or by boat. An over­view of the sign­pos­ted hiking trails is available at the park entrance. 

The hiking trails are easy to find and you can’t real­ly get lost. The only important thing is to keep an eye on the time and make your way back in good time if you are not stay­ing over­night in the park. 

If you start at the El Zai­no park ent­rance, it is best to take a shut­tle that takes you fur­ther into the park. This saves you an appro­xi­m­ate­ly one-hour walk along a paved road and you can start direct­ly on the beau­tiful hiking trail. From the start­ing point of the hiking trail to the famous Cabo San Juan del Gia beach, it takes around 2 hours on foot. 

Tayrona Kolumbien Reisetipps
Tayrona Nationalpark

Bea­ches in Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park

The bea­ches are defi­ni­te­ly one of the high­lights of Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park. Howe­ver, you can only swim at very few of the bea­ches and bays, as the­re are very strong curr­ents and some have alre­a­dy lost their lives. Howe­ver, it is very cle­ar­ly mark­ed and pos­ted whe­ther and whe­re you are allo­wed to swim and whe­re not. 

One of the first bea­ches you reach is Arre­ci­fes beach, which you can see from the hiking trail. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, it is clo­sed off and swim­ming is also pro­hi­bi­ted here due to the strong curr­ents. If you con­ti­nue wal­king from Playa Arre­ci­fes, you will reach Pun­ta las Gavio­tas. Here, a small inlet divi­des the some­what quie­ter bay from a long san­dy beach. As far as I know, swim­ming is offi­ci­al­ly pro­hi­bi­ted here too, but some peo­p­le have jum­ped into the cool water here. The­re is also a small restau­rant here and a few food stalls with refresh­ments. The per­fect place for a first break. 

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La Pisci­na

The first beach whe­re you can final­ly go swim­ming offi­ci­al­ly is La Pisci­na. Here you can final­ly cool off after a hike of around 1.5 hours. 

As the real high­light of Cabo San Juan is still to come, I am only on my way back into the water at La Pisci­na beach to reach the famous beach as ear­ly as pos­si­ble with as few peo­p­le as possible. 

Cabo San Juan

Only ano­ther 20 minu­tes from La Pisci­na is the most famous and most beau­tiful beach in the Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park, Cabo San Juan. The beach con­sists of two bays whe­re you can enjoy a won­derful swim and which are sepa­ra­ted by a small head­land. The­re is a view­point on the head­land from whe­re you have a gre­at view of the two bea­ches from above. 

If you want to enjoy the beau­ty of Cabo San Juan beach for yours­elf, you should stay over­night at the local camp­si­te so that you can enjoy the beach in the evening and ear­ly mor­ning hours wit­hout day­ti­me tourists. 

If you fol­low the hiking trail from Cabo San Juan beach for ano­ther 5 minu­tes, you will reach Pun­ta Pie­dra beach. As most visi­tors stay at Cabo San Juan, the beach here was vir­tual­ly emp­ty and wit­hout visi­tors. Howe­ver, the cur­rent here is very strong and the­r­e­fo­re not sui­ta­ble for swimming. 

El Pue­b­li­to

The vil­la­ge of El Pue­b­li­to is loca­ted amidst the lush vege­ta­ti­on of the Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park. This is a pri­ce­l­ess lega­cy of the Tay­ro­na Indi­ans, one of Colom­bia’s four indi­ge­nous groups, and is still of gre­at importance to their des­cen­dants today. 

From Cabo San Juan beach it is ano­ther 2 hours to the Cala­ba­zo entrance. 

Important infor­ma­ti­on & hel­pful tips: 


The­re are two ent­ran­ces to the Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park: El Zai­no and Cala­ba­zo. If you main­ly want to go to the bea­ches, then I recom­mend taking the El Zai­no park ent­rance. If you take the mini­bus shut­tle from the­re, you can reach the first bea­ches and bays after a one-hour hike. 

If you want to get away from the crowds and visit the vil­la­ge of El Pue­b­li­to, we recom­mend start­ing at the Cala­ba­zo entrance. 

Ope­ning hours

The Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park is usual­ly open dai­ly from 8 am to 5 pm. I was alre­a­dy the­re at 7.30 am and was not the first. My aim was to get to the park as ear­ly as pos­si­ble to have as much time as pos­si­ble to make the day stress-free with enough time for swim­ming stops. 

Note: twice a year the Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park clo­ses to visi­tors for seve­ral weeks. On the one hand to give natu­re time to rege­ne­ra­te, on the other hand to give the indi­ge­nous tri­bes the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cele­bra­te cer­tain holi­days and rites at their sacred sites. In recent years, the park has usual­ly been clo­sed at the fol­lo­wing times: Ear­ly — mid Febru­ary, ear­ly — mid June, mid Octo­ber — ear­ly Novem­ber.

Find out in good time befo­re your plan­ned visit whe­ther the park is open or not. 

Tayrona Nationalpark Strand Reiseblog

Admis­si­on pri­ces and tickets

If you read older blogs about Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park, the­re used to be an opti­on to buy tickets online in advan­ce. When I visi­ted the park in March 2023 , this was not the case and tickets could only be bought in advan­ce at the park entrances. 

The insu­rance must be taken out/purchased on site. This is to ensu­re that the cos­ts of rescue/recovery are cover­ed in the event of an acci­dent or similar. 

What do I need to take with me for a day trip? 

You should defi­ni­te­ly take enough water with you for a day trip . Due to the high humi­di­ty, you sweat very quick­ly, even if the hike its­elf is not par­ti­cu­lar­ly stre­nuous. And yes, you can buy water at indi­vi­du­al bea­ches in the park, but of cour­se at com­ple­te­ly exor­bi­tant pri­ces. The same appli­es to food.

Fur­ther­mo­re, swim­wear should of cour­se not be miss­ing, i.e. a bikini/swimming trunks and a towel. Sun­screen and mos­qui­to spray are also abso­lut­e­ly essential. 

Day trip or over­night stay?

The­re are various opti­ons for spen­ding the night in Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park. The­re are camp­si­tes with tents, ham­mocks, simp­le huts and a few more luxu­rious accom­mo­da­ti­ons . Just try to book as ear­ly as pos­si­ble to make sure you have a place to sleep. 

If you want to spend more time in the park and real­ly explo­re ever­y­thing, you should stay over­night in the park. For tho­se who main­ly come for the bea­ches, the day trip should be sufficient. 

Jour­ney to Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park

By bus

No mat­ter whe­re you are coming from, the­re are regu­lar buses to/from Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park. In San­ta Mar­ta , the buses depart regu­lar­ly from the Mer­ca­do Publi­co and take around 1 hour to reach the park ent­rance El Zai­no. If you are coming from Palo­mi­no, the­re are also regu­lar buses to Tay­ro­na. The jour­ney also takes around 1 hour. 

Pri­va­te shuttle

Many accom­mo­da­ti­ons in San­ta Mar­ta and Palo­mi­no also orga­ni­ze pri­va­te dri­vers or a pri­va­te shut­tle to Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park. This can be useful if you are seve­ral peo­p­le and want to share the cos­ts and be more fle­xi­ble in terms of time. 


If you are stay­ing very clo­se to the ent­rance to Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park, like me for exam­p­le at Cos­teno Beach, the­re is also the opti­on of hiring a moto-taxi from your accom­mo­da­ti­on to take you to Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park. The cost is around COP 15,000 from Cos­teno Beach. 

Best time to visit Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park

In prin­ci­ple, the park is acces­si­ble all year round, but the­re are times that are par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble. The dry sea­sons bet­ween Decem­ber to March and July to August are con­side­red the best time to visit. During this time, the paths are less slip­pery and the­re is less chan­ce of con­stant rain show­ers. Howe­ver, it should be noted that the park is usual­ly clo­sed for eco­lo­gi­cal recrea­ti­on in Febru­ary. So if you are plan­ning to tra­vel to the park, you should check the exact dates in advan­ce to ensu­re that the park is open during your plan­ned tra­vel time. 

Is the Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park worth it? My conclusion: 

The­re is no doubt that Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park is a beau­tiful place, with its gre­at hiking trails and his­to­ric ruins. It is not for not­hing that the park is an inte­gral part of almost every tour of Colombia. 

Nevert­hel­ess, I can’t quite under­stand the immense hype. As I said, the park is beau­tiful, the hiking trails are gre­at, the bea­ches and natu­re are impres­si­ve, but I can’t say that I was com­ple­te­ly blown away by Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park. Nevert­hel­ess, I had a won­derful day trip and a gre­at day in the park, but I would­n’t make it the cen­tral part of a round trip, but rather see it as a small high­light on the trip that you take with you. 

Ulti­m­ate­ly, howe­ver, the satis­fac­tion of each tra­ve­ler depends of cour­se on indi­vi­du­al pre­fe­ren­ces and expec­ta­ti­ons. Tay­ro­na Natio­nal Park offers a beau­tiful expe­ri­ence, but is less spec­ta­cu­lar than some of the other desti­na­ti­ons I have expe­ri­en­ced on my tra­vels. I was much more impres­sed by the bea­ches on Pro­vi­den­cia or the untouch­ed natu­re on the way to Ciu­dad Per­di­da. Nevert­hel­ess, it is worth a trip to get to know a pie­ce of Colom­bia’s breath­ta­king natu­re and culture. 

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