Thai­land 3‑week Itin­era­ry & Highlights

Discover the diversity of Thailand on an unforgettable 3-Week Itinerary! This route takes you from the shimmering temples of Bangkok to the stunning beaches of Koh Phi Phi and all the way north to Chiang Mai. Savor delicious Thai cuisine, immerse yourself in the fascinating culture, and experience breathtaking nature.

Thai­land Itinerary

For years, Thai­land has remain­ed a top choice among travelers—and for good reason. This Sou­the­ast Asi­an gem offers some­thing for ever­yo­ne, cate­ring to all kinds of inte­rests and pre­fe­ren­ces. On top of that, Thai­lands excel­lent infra­struc­tu­re, makes it incre­di­bly easy to explo­re the coun­try.
In this post, I’ve put tog­e­ther my 3‑week Thai­land itin­era­ry, with detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about each desti­na­ti­on, cos­ts, and other essen­ti­al tips. 

Sin­ce most inter­na­tio­nal flights land in Bang­kok, it makes sen­se to begin your Thai­land itin­era­ry here. My own 3‑week jour­ney through Thai­land star­ted in Bang­kok, and I’ve descri­bed it in detail in the fol­lo­wing post. From Bang­kok, my itin­era­ry took me south to the coast and some beau­tiful islands, befo­re wrap­ping up with the cul­tu­ral high­light of Chiang Mai. 

My rou­te is just a sug­ges­ti­on and can, of cour­se, be adjus­ted in terms of dura­ti­on and order to suit your pre­fe­ren­ces. It’s meant to ser­ve as inspi­ra­ti­on for your own Thai­land adventure. 

Day 1: Arri­val in Bangkok

Bang­kok is a gre­at start­ing and ending point for a Thai­land itin­era­ry, and it was also the begin­ning of my jour­ney. Ear­ly in the mor­ning on the first day of our trip, we lan­ded in Bang­kok and made our way to our accom­mo­da­ti­on. After a brief sett­ling in, we set out to explo­re the city right away. 

A half-day like this is per­fect for explo­ring the neigh­bor­hood around your accom­mo­da­ti­on, taking a trip to the Cha­tuchak Weekend Mar­ket (if it’s the weekend), or visi­ting your first temple.

Bangkok Chinatown Sehenswuerdigkeiten Reiseblog

Day 2: Explo­re Bangkok

If it’s your first time in Bang­kok, make sure to explo­re some of the city­’s “typi­cal” sights and attrac­tions. You defi­ni­te­ly should­n’t miss the famous Wat Arun Temp­le and the Grand Palace. A visit to Chi­na­town is also a must-do, offe­ring a vibrant mix of cul­tu­re, food, and history. 

You also have to try Bang­ko­k’s incre­di­ble street food. After a day of sight­see­ing, unwind with a refres­hing drink on one of the many roof­top bars that offer stun­ning views of the city. All detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about the high­lights you can find in my Bang­kok gui­de.

Recom­men­ded length of stay: 2–4 nights

My length of stay: 2 nights

Wat Saket Golden Mount Bangkok Highlights
Grand Palace Bangkok Thailand Sehenswurdigkeiten 2 scaled

Day 3: Bang­kok to Phuket 

Depen­ding on your flight depar­tu­re to Phu­ket you might still have the chan­ce to spend the day in Bang­kok. During my trip this was the case and the flight just went in the late after­noon. The­r­e­fo­re we used the mor­ning to explo­re more sights in Bang­kok and to visit ano­ther temple. 

In the evening, we arri­ved in Phu­ket. It took about 40 minu­tes by Uber from the air­port to Phu­ket Town, whe­re we stay­ed for the night. 

Day 4–5: Phuket

To explo­re the Phu­ket Pen­in­su­la at its best, we ren­ted a scoo­ter. For me, it’s the easie­st and most fle­xi­ble way to get around Thailand. 

Bes­i­des the count­less bea­ches, Phu­ket also offers some cul­tu­ral attrac­tions. One of them is the Big Bud­dha. The visit is defi­ni­te­ly worth it, if only for the ama­zing views of the sur­roun­ding area. But the old town of Phu­ket Town shouldn’t be unde­re­sti­ma­ted eit­her, and in my opi­ni­on, it’s espe­ci­al­ly beau­tiful in the evening. 

Recom­men­ded length of stay: 3–4 nights

My length of stay: 3 nights

All infor­ma­ti­on about Phu­ket: Attrac­tions and Places

Phuket Highlights Reiseblog Phuket Town
Surin Beach Phuket Highlights

Day 6: Phu­ket to Koh Yao Noi

From the Phu­ket Pen­in­su­la, we took a boat to the les­ser-known island of Koh Yao Noi, loca­ted in the Anda­man Sea. So far, it has been untouch­ed by mass tou­rism, just like its neigh­bor­ing island, Koh Yao Yai. 

The island is quite small, with a “main road” that almost cir­cles the enti­re island. Com­pared to other islands, it doesn’t have the most stun­ning bea­ches. Howe­ver, Koh Yao Noi makes up for it with its authenticity. 

Koh Yao Noi Thailand Rundreise

Day 7–8: Koh Yao Noi

Make the most of your first full day on Koh Yao Noi by explo­ring the island with a scoo­ter. Start your day with a deli­cious break­fast, for exam­p­le at the Green Cof­fee House, and then head out to dis­co­ver the island and its bea­ches. The two main bea­ches are Pasai Beach and Klong Jark Beach.

On your second day on Koh Yao Noi you should take a half-day trip to Hong Island. Tours can be boo­ked all over the island and are defi­ni­te­ly worth it. They usual­ly last about 4 hours and include seve­ral stops. 

Recom­men­ded stay: 3 nights

My length of stay: 3 nights

More infor­ma­ti­on: Koh Yao Noi Tra­vel Guide

Hong Island Koh Yao Noi Thailand
Hong Island Bay Koh Yao Noi Thailand

Day 8: Koh Yao Noi — Koh Phi Phi

From Koh Yao Noi, we con­ti­nue by boat to the famous par­ty island of Koh Phi Phi. The island is not only known for its par­ty sce­ne, but also for its beau­tiful bea­ches and as a start­ing point for Maya Bay. And no mat­ter what you are loo­king for, the island has some­thing for ever­yo­ne.

In the after­noon after our arri­val and check-in at our accom­mo­da­ti­on, we first explo­red the main vil­la­ge, Ton Sai Vil­la­ge.

Koh Phi Phi Ton Sai Village Ort Thailand

Day 9 & 10: Koh Phi Phi

Make sure you spend the next few days explo­ring Koh Phi Phi and the sur­roun­ding islands. A trip and tour to Maya Bay is a must. It’s best to go the­re as ear­ly as pos­si­ble so that the bay is still nice and quiet and the beach is not yet crow­ded with visitors. 

But Koh Phi Phi its­elf also has a lot to offer, espe­ci­al­ly of cour­se the beau­tiful bea­ches which, depen­ding on the loca­ti­on of your accom­mo­da­ti­on, can be rea­ched on foot, by boat or if you fan­cy a bit of acti­vi­ty, you can sim­ply hike through the jungle, as we did. 

Recom­men­ded length of stay: 3–4 nights

My length of stay: 3 nights

Maya Bay Koh Phi Phi Reisetipp

Day 11 : Koh Phi Phi — Krabi

The jour­ney through Thai­land now con­ti­nues nor­thwards, but first it’s back to the main­land, to Kra­bi to be pre­cise. Depen­ding on when your onward jour­ney is plan­ned, you may have a day or at least half a day to explo­re Kra­bi.

We rea­ched Kra­bi in the late after­noon and used the rest of the day to stroll around the town in the evening and cool off in the hotel pool. 

Recom­men­ded length of stay: non

My stay: 1 night 

Koh Phi Phi Viewpoint Sunset

Day 12: Kra­bi — Chiang Mai 

As our flight to Chiang Mai did­n’t lea­ve until the evening, we used the day in Kra­bi to hire bikes from the hotel and ride to Nopp­ha­rat Tha­ra Beach. Per­so­nal­ly, I was­n’t at all con­vin­ced by Kra­bi, it was far too tou­ris­ty for me. But I’m sure that we did­n’t see ever­y­thing and that the­re are still some gre­at places to visit.

From Kra­bi and the beach, we then hea­ded north. The second lar­gest city in Thai­land awaits: Chiang Mai. This is also con­side­red the cul­tu­ral cen­ter of the coun­try, as the­re are over 300 temp­les in the city. 

Day 13–15: Chiang Mai

Alt­hough Chiang Mai is the second lar­gest city in Thai­land, the his­to­ric city cen­ter within the city walls is quite com­pact and easy to explo­re on foot. It is best to stroll through the streets, as you will ine­vi­ta­b­ly pass the many temp­les. Among the most inte­res­t­ing and worth see­ing are Wat Che­di Luang and Wat Phra Singh.

But bes­i­des temp­les, Chiang Mai has much more to offer. In the evening, you can feast on the local street food at one of the night mar­kets or tre­at yours­elf to a massage. 

Saturday Night Market Chiang Mai

An trip to the sur­roun­ding moun­ta­ins is also high­ly recom­men­ded. And be sure to visit the two temp­les out­side Wat Pha Lat, which is some­what hid­den in the forest, and of cour­se Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, from whe­re you have a gre­at view of Chiang Mai. 

If you tra­vel to Chiang Mai in Novem­ber, you might be lucky enough to expe­ri­ence the fan­ta­stic Loy Kra­thon fes­ti­val of lights. A real high­light and a won­derful spec­ta­cle when the who­le city is on its feet, para­des para­de through the streets and the lights float down the river. 

Chiang Mai Wat Rajamontean Reiseblog
Chiang Mai Wat Phra That Doi Suthep Tempel

Day 16: Chiang Mai — Bangkok

After spen­ding some won­derful days in Chiang Mai, we hea­ded back to Bang­kok. As we wan­ted to spend as much time as pos­si­ble with fri­ends, we opted for the quick and com­for­ta­ble return jour­ney by plane. 

Day 17 & 18: Bangkok

The last two days in Bang­kok were very rela­xed as we had alre­a­dy been here seve­ral times. For this reason, we sim­ply rela­xed at the hotel pool and only visi­ted a few less known temp­les such as Wat Ben­cha­ma­bo­phit and Wat Saket at sunset. 

Day 19: Lea­ving Bangkok

The day of depar­tu­re marks the end of an incre­di­bly exci­ting and varied trip through Thai­land. A trip that could not have been more varied, with beau­tiful islands and gre­at expe­ri­en­ces in Chiang Mai. 

Cos­ts of Tra­ve­ling Thai­land: an Overview

But now let’s be real: How much does a round trip through Thai­land cost? I’m making no secret of it here, which is why I’m lis­ting all my expen­ses for the trip below. 

I was­n’t just tra­ve­ling with my boy­fri­end on this trip, we were also accom­pa­nied by two fri­ends. All in all, the­re were four of us on the road for the enti­re three weeks of this trip. Some cost items are the­r­e­fo­re lower than they would other­wi­se be, as we were able to divi­de cab cos­ts etc. by four. 

I also stay­ed loy­al to my level of tra­vel in Thai­land. It was­n’t clas­sic, low-bud­get back­pack­ing, but it defi­ni­te­ly was­n’t an expen­si­ve, high-end luxu­ry vaca­ti­on eit­her. We always stay­ed in the mid-ran­ge pri­ce ran­ge and boo­ked dou­ble rooms with pri­va­te bathrooms. 

Rei­se­kos­ten Thailand 
3 Wochen
Kos­ten für 2 Per­so­nenKos­ten pro Person
Flü­ge2.076,95 €1.038,48 €
Hin- und Rückflug
1.790,02 €895,01 €
Flug Bang­kok — Phuket74,80 €37,40 €
Flug Kra­bi — Chiang Mai70,71 €35,36 €
Flug Chiang Mai — Bangkok141,42 €70,71 €
Unter­künf­te524,41 €262,20 €
(Taxi, Rol­ler, Boot, Öffis etc.)
166,83 €83,42 €
Restaurants/ Cafés462,46 €231,23 €
Akti­vi­tä­ten (Aus­flü­ge, Ein­tritts­gel­der, etc.)272,55 €136,28 €
(Sim-Kar­te, Reinigung…)
27,89 €13,45 €

Best time to tra­vel Thailand

The best time to tra­vel around Thai­land is from Novem­ber to March. During this time, tem­pe­ra­tures are plea­sant at bet­ween 25°C and 32°C and litt­le rain is to be expec­ted. This makes explo­ring the many temp­les, natio­nal parks and islands par­ti­cu­lar­ly plea­sant. Howe­ver, this is also the high sea­son in Thai­land, so the tou­rist resorts can be very crow­ded. For tra­ve­lers who pre­fer things a litt­le quie­ter, the months of April to Octo­ber are a good opti­on, alt­hough you should expect occa­sio­nal rain showers. 

Did you know that…

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